Business Strategy Case Study

By | April 28, 2023

Business Strategy Case Study – Business is the fundamental discipline upon which engineering is built. It combines different topics into one powerful topic to make you an effective business person!

Back in 2011, I enrolled in the International MBA. Coming from a legal background, for me, an MBA was an easy way to change direction.

Business Strategy Case Study

Business Strategy Case Study

I want to pursue a career in business (as an entrepreneur rather than a manager). And I want to find a career path to move to America soon (I’m from Italy).

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Fast forward to 2013, after completing my MBA, I got a job as an analyst in California, after completing my MBA, with an emphasis on corporate finance and business strategy.

However, instead of becoming an entrepreneur, I was stuck in a fixed career path, where I had to wait a few years to make a few linear steps and climb the ladder – like in the military.

Fast forward four years to the start of my MBA and three years into my new life in California. The career journey I took through the MBA was unsatisfactory for me.

That’s why I enrolled in MBA. So I resigned, returned to Italy, and started my own digital business (a lot happened in between, like I moved to NYC for a few months, but for brevity, let’s skip that part for now ).

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I thought that most of the things I learned in business school, for a linear career path, would be very useful in a corporation.

They are not useful to me as a digital entrepreneur. So I had to go back to studying myself, experimenting and, in the process, learning a lot of new things from scratch.

To make things more interesting, I also joined a high-tech startup in 2016, where I still lead the business unit.

Business Strategy Case Study

This is a real journey into the business world and a set of resources I’ve learned the hard way over the years to help you thrive in an uncertain business world.

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FW is not about rapid professional learning for the sake of it; It’s about the minimum dose of business education that leads to action instead of paralysis;

About original and independent research, the fruit of thousands of hours of analysis, study and critical thinking.

The name might trick you into thinking you’ll learn everything there is to know in four weeks.

Instead, the journey is a concept about startups, where in a few weeks, you can learn and apply advanced business concepts in the real world.

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Personally, it took me years to master some of the concepts I cover on this blog, and often the transition is about letting go of things that no longer fit or don’t exist.

The real world is very contextual. Things that work in the context don’t work or become bad in the new context and the environment is destructive.

So I try to remain agnostic. There are many tools, frameworks, and methods you can use, but each should be evaluated against the environment you find yourself in.

Business Strategy Case Study

But the important thing is the process. The process lasts, because it helps you quickly get an understanding of the context.

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When in 2015 I made a complete transition from my previous career to building digital businesses, the education I received through my MBA did not help me much in building a digital business.

So I started documenting my new journey and as I went through it I thought about building resources for business school that I wish I had when I was building my own business.

As I put more things out into the world I could collect feedback to see if those resources might be of value to other practitioners in the real world and that intrigued me and still, it keeps me going.

When I hear people send messages about how they move resources; how they started their business; How they make a career change or start a new role gives me satisfaction and happiness.

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In order to fund my passion, research, and enable more people to learn advanced business concepts, I need to be financially sustainable.

The blog is primarily monetized through premium products (courses, books, subscriptions, sponsorships) for those who want to take their knowledge to the next level.

People who come there are very happy with the resources available for free. Meanwhile those ready to take the next step to join our premium resources.

Business Strategy Case Study

The business world is changing quickly; The digital world has changed the way entrepreneurship works and understanding the dynamics has become essential. That’s why I created this blog. I’ve documented all the lessons I’ve learned here over the years and made them available as I did to make this a place for digital entrepreneurs, executives, and entrepreneurs.

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When I first started in digital marketing, I came from a different background. Graduated as a lawyer, after an international MBA I worked as a financial analyst in a real estate investment firm. That experience taught me to look at hard numbers and dissect any company’s balance sheets to understand the business logic behind them. If you understand how money moves, you can also understand the strategic thinking behind any company.

Once I got into digital marketing, I was looking for ways to escape the typical 9-5 job and be alone. The issue is that everything that is most visible on the web turns out to be the least useful. I quickly learned that visibility does not mean relevance. However, I want to put practical resources that anyone can use to grow their business or at least gain a better understanding of the business world.

Then I joined a tech startup. There I have been helping the company develop business operations since late 2016. One thing that was clear to me from day one is that a strong distribution strategy is essential to the success of any company. From there I started to learn anything about business modeling, business strategy, distribution strategies, and growth marketing.

An MBA can be a valuable program for people who want to further their business career. And for aspiring entrepreneurs. However, there are some fundamental aspects of MBA programs that make them very risky by today’s standards.

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As the business world changes at a faster and faster pace, the opportunity cost associated with enrolling in an MBA program has become unbearable for many people.

However, this is only part of the story – I would argue. In fact, today’s MBA programs are becoming risky due to several reasons:

In this blog, I cover business models. And I’ve focused a lot of attention on game-changing models. It’s not much of an obstacle to be sure. What we accept and provide is the modern business model and education. However, that model has its basis in a world that has taken shape in recent decades.

Business Strategy Case Study

Many of the contemporary business models that are reshaping the business world, and rewriting the rules, seem to harken back to an earlier era. Where the centralized and closed model has won in recent decades. New technologies ultimately allow the decentralization, decentralization, and delocalization of companies, processes, and groups.

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Thus, you will learn everything related to business growth, distribution, business modeling, and digital entrepreneurship.

One of the most important lessons learned from studying tech companies is how distribution and the ability to design a sustainable business model is the most important aspect. The more the company is based on a technical product or service, the more the founders will be technical people (engineers or programmers). While it is good and it allows us to create a unique product. It can also lead to management of the right sales and distribution strategies that can make the business sustainable sooner!

As Head of Business Development, I also focus my efforts on finding the right strategies, deliverables, marketing processes to accelerate the growth of digital businesses. It is important not to lose focus on products and customer needs. I believe that any company can achieve success quickly and sustainably by meeting a superior product built on top of customer needs provided through the right channels.

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I was delighted with Gennaro’s excellent brevity and steady flow of rich insights. He is a hardworking and responsible producer.

Thanks to this, I learned some basic business concepts that everyone interested in business and the business models of companies that shape the world should know. Laura Soto Van Arnim Senior Information Security Specialist –