Business Strategy Definition By Porter

By | December 7, 2023

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Business Strategy Definition By Porter

Business Strategy Definition By Porter

This content was accessed on December 29, 2012 and was uploaded by Andy Schmitz to keep the book accessible.

Part Ii: Strategic Choices

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Competitive Strategy: Four Types Of Competitive Strategy

A business-level strategy deals with the question of how a company will compete in a given industry (Figure 5.1 “Business-Level Strategies”). This seems like a simple question, but it’s actually quite complicated. This is because there are many answers to this question. For example, take the restaurants in your city. Chances are you live near McDonald’s, Subway, Chili’s, Applebee’s, Panera Bread Company, dozens of other national brands, and many local eateries all in one location. Each of these restaurants competes using a business model that is at least somewhat unique. When a manager in the restaurant industry analyzes the company and its competitors, he must avoid getting distracted by all the nuances of the business-level strategies of the various companies and losing sight of the big picture.

The solution is to think of business-level strategy in general strategies. Overall Strategy The overall positioning of the company’s business strategy within the industry. the general way of positioning the company in the industry. Focusing on generic strategies allows managers to focus on key elements of companies’ business-level strategies. The most popular set of general strategies is based on the work of Harvard Business School professor Michael Porter and later researchers who built on Porter’s first ideas. Porter, M. E. 1980. Competitive Strategy: Techniques for Analyzing Industries and Competitors. New York, NY: Free Press; Williamson, P.J. and Zeng, M. 2009. Value for money strategies for a recession. Harvard Business Review, 87(3), 66–74.

According to Porter, the key to business-level strategy is two dimensions of competition. The first dimension is the source of the company’s competitive advantage. This dimension means whether the company is trying to gain an advantage over competitors by keeping costs down or by offering something unique in the market. The second dimension is the scope of the companies’ activities. This measure means whether the company is trying to target customers as a whole or whether it is trying to attract only one segment of customers. Four general business-level strategies emerge from these decisions: (1) cost leadership, (2) differentiation, (3) focused cost leadership, and (4) focused differentiation. In rare cases, companies are able to offer both low prices and unique features that customers like. These companies follow a cost-effective strategy. Companies that cannot offer low prices or uniquely attractive services are called “stuck in the middle.”

Business Strategy Definition By Porter

Understanding the differences behind generic strategies is important because different generic strategies offer different value propositions to customers. A company focused on cost leadership has a different value chain configuration than a company whose strategy focuses on differentiation. For example, marketing and selling a differentiation strategy often requires a lot of effort, while some companies that pursue cost leadership, such as Waffle House, succeed with limited marketing efforts. This chapter presents each general strategy and the “recipes” that are usually associated with success in using the strategy. If companies follow these guidelines, the result can be a strategy that leads to superior performance. But if companies don’t follow the logical steps associated with each strategy, the result can be a value proposition configuration that is expensive to implement and doesn’t satisfy enough customers to be viable.

Pdf) Critical Tactics For Implementing Porter’s Generic Strategies

Examining business-level strategy in terms of general strategies has limitations. Companies that follow a specific overall strategy tend to divide certain functions. For example, one way that cost managers tend to cut costs is by spending more on advertising. But not all spending leaders take this path. While spend leaders like Waffle House spend very little on advertising, Walmart spends heavily on print and TV ads despite following a cost management strategy. Thus, the company may not meet all the attributes that its overall strategy includes. Indeed, depending on the nature of the company’s industry, changing the overall strategy may be critical to success. According to Michael Porter, a company must decide on the nature and scope of its competitive advantage. Generic strategies are effective because they help you develop strategies at the simplest and broadest level. There are various risks associated with each general strategy, and the company must bear these risks if it does not want to be called a middle-of-the-road company.

Porter emphasizes that a firm’s relative position in an industry depends on whether its profitability is above or below the industry average. Above-average profitability is said to have maintained the company’s competitive edge over the years. At the broadest level, a company can have two competitive advantages, the goal of which is cost leadership or differentiation.

The overall competitive strategy of the company consists of various activities, which is undertaken to acquire market customers and satisfy their needs in order to maintain its business position in the competitive market. In terms of implementation, the focus area of ​​competitive strategy is narrower than that of business strategy.

Competitive strategy deals with management’s efforts to provide outstanding value to customers and overcome market competition. Business strategy is not only about how the company competes in the market, but also addresses other strategic issues that the company faces.

Pdf) When Porter’s Generic Strategies Are Not Enough: Complementary Strategies For Turnaround Situations

In this strategy, the company uses economies of scale and increases the efficiency of its production lines to reduce the cost of its products to a lower level than its competitors. So here the company tries to beat the competitors by keeping the prices lower. It is characterized by the reduction of capital costs and production and distribution. A company can implement a cost leadership strategy in situations where customers can change suppliers flexibly, have good product knowledge, and the product/service is standardized. A very good example of this strategy is Walmart, which has lower costs than other retail chains. It builds large shopping complexes outside cities where rents are low. He also sticks to his suppliers and gets the best terms from them. This leads to affordability, which is proven by our “everyday low price” policy. In India, Big Bazaar has managed to develop a similar business model. This strategy also leads to lower costs for product marketing, since the price itself is the most attractive to customers. It also creates barriers to entry and it is not easy for newcomers to compete with the company.

This strategy is used by the company to become the lowest cost producer in the industry. By implementing this strategy, the company aims to achieve full cost advantage and economies of scale by offering a standardized product or service in the market. Important aspects of cost management are operational details, stable product lines, special attention to official profit and budgeting, and reliance on capital rather than labor. The company aims to achieve the lowest cost structure in the industry through a strong and efficient business process. operations, economies of scale and an effective cost control system.

For example, the Chinese economy has used large capacities to produce high-cost goods at very low costs. They can produce products with a cost structure that is much lower than in other countries. This has given China a competitive advantage in goods such as consumer electronics, clothing, footwear, sporting goods, and more. In general, in every industry there is a company that assumes the role of cost leadership. It is not profitable for other companies to undertake this task.

Business Strategy Definition By Porter

To achieve cost control, the company must ensure that

Porter’s 5 Forces: Explanation, Model & Analysis