Business Strategy Examples

By | September 24, 2023

Business Strategy Examples – The success of any business depends on the effectiveness of the strategies that follow. Strategy describes how the company plans to compete in the market. and how to target profitable growth

Businesses around the world sell goods and services in highly competitive markets where it is necessary to add value to owners and shareholders to ensure their future existence.

Business Strategy Examples

Business Strategy Examples

This requires a plan that helps managers guide decisions and use resources effectively to achieve key goals. This plan is also known as a business strategy.

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A business strategy outlines an action plan to achieve the organization’s vision and goals. and guide the decision-making process to improve the financial stability of companies in a competitive market.

To understand it better and in more detail. I will refer to the original definition in future chapters.

Before we get into the details of creating a strategy. It is important to understand how strategy differs from strategy.

Strategy refers to the organization’s long-term goals and how it plans to achieve them. In other words, it shows the path through which a predetermined vision will be achieved.

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Strategy refers to taking specific actions to achieve a set goal that is consistent with the strategy.

Strategies can be the cheapest carrier in the smart market. Then their managers had to negotiate with suppliers to reduce the cost of electronic components used in manufacturing. This is a strategy to achieve the set strategy.

The strategy is to buy a bottle of good wine when you take someone out to dinner. Strategy makes them drink it Frank Muir Business Strategy Class

Business Strategy Examples

1. Organizational level: Organizational strategy is the strategic plan of the top management of an organization. They create mission statements and vision statements and have a fundamental impact on the long-term performance of the company. Lead decisions on growth acquisition Diversification and Investment

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2. Business level: Business level strategy integrated with corporate vision. Instead, it focuses on a specific business. At this level, the vision and goals are transformed into concrete strategies that inform how the business will compete in the market.

3. Functional Level: Functional strategies are designed to address how functional departments such as Marketing, Human Resources or R&D can support the business and the defined strategy of the organization.

It is not uncommon for companies to have multiple strategies at different levels. in fact This is important to ensure that the different requirements of each layer are accurately reflected.

Although many strategies risk conflicting priorities and goals. But these risks can be reduced if managed properly. We’ll be back at this point in a few seconds.

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Basically It reflects the strengths and weaknesses of the company. and answer questions about how the company plans to respond to threats and opportunities in the markets in which it operates.

The strategy considers the available resources and how best to deploy them to achieve the set goals.

That is why strategy is often called a beacon for company management: it aligns the efforts of all departments along the line. and give employees the North Star that guides their daily decisions.

Business Strategy Examples

To make this point clearer Assume that a business has no strategy to compete in the market:

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The absence of such a blueprint would lead to disorganized actions in every department. This will limit the overall performance of the organization. This difference often results in the loss of competitive power to be exploited in the marketplace.

How do you formulate a business strategy? A business strategy outlines an action plan to achieve the organization’s vision and goals. and guide the decision-making process to improve the financial stability of companies in a competitive market.

A strategy needs to outline the vision of the business. Set goals and ways to grow and compete in the long term.

Most online resources suggest that strategy formulation should begin by defining your organization’s goals. But this came too soon. assuming that the offer, market and potential customers are already defined.

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For the strategy to succeed. First, consider the company’s core values ​​and desired future position in the market. This is also known as corporate vision.

“Apple is committed to bringing the best personal computing experience to students, educators, creative professionals and consumers around the world through innovative hardware, software and the Internet.” Apple “is the most customer-centric company in the world. Create a place where people can come and discover what they might want to buy online.” Amazon

This is an important step in the strategy-building process. It ensures that the strategy designed reflects the real needs of the respective market.

Business Strategy Examples

The first type indicates what products and services are available. While the value it offers explains why people should buy them in the first place.

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Note that the value proposition answers the question of why the company exists and how it differs from the competition. In other words, it explains how the company plans to generate demand and compete in the market.

To illustrate this with an example, see Shopify. Their value proposition is to offer a single e-commerce platform that allows customers to sell across multiple channels.

Shopify’s value proposition outlines why business owners should use their platform and how it differs from others.

Another important step in building an effective business strategy is to determine the type of customers the company serves.

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Both groups have different criteria, reasons and motivations for purchasing goods and services. Knowing them allows companies to accurately address their specific needs and strategic needs.

I recommend reading this article by Annmarie Hanlon if you want to learn more about the specifics of market segmentation.

After setting the vision The next step in formulating a business strategy is to define the highest level goals of the organization.

Business Strategy Examples

These goals are often focused on increasing company sales and profits. This is because it ensures the existence of the company and improves shareholder value if it is publicly traded.

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Therefore, the strategy aims to answer the question of how businesses can compete in the market to increase revenues. At the same time it also improves its financial position.

This is because the sole purpose of a typical business strategy is to increase the economic value of a company for its owners or shareholders.

Core values ​​and missions are considered later when designing lower-level strategies, such as marketing or operations strategies.

Once the vision and goals are established Strategy makers must be aware of the strengths and weaknesses of the business. as well as opportunities and challenges in the market.

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The information obtained from the SWOT analysis is the basis for formulating a strategy that takes into account the internal characteristics of the company and the external situation of its market segments.

These insights help decision makers ensure that the company’s strengths are capitalized on market opportunities. while also identifying vulnerabilities and threats that could limit an organization’s long-term success.

Companies that sell in highly competitive industries must determine how they want to compete in the market, create demand, and increase sales and profit margins.

Business Strategy Examples

Harvard Business School professor Michael E. Porter identifies three general strategies that businesses can choose when determining their competitive advantage:

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However, companies may fail to effectively pursue one of these common strategies. Porter refers to this as “stuck in the middle”

In this case, the company does not offer a product or service that is unique enough to entice customers to buy. At the same time, the asking price is too high to compete effectively in the market.

Failure to gain a competitive advantage will result in a decline in sales. which threatens the existence of the company in the future

Cost leadership refers to a firm’s ability to produce products at the lowest cost in the industry.

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This cost advantage can be achieved using economies of scale. proprietary technology or the ability to generate and maintain cost advantages throughout the supply chain.

The cost leadership strategy requires companies to effectively reduce their cost structures. while charging prices for products that are in line with industry averages.

Example: Low-cost airline Ryanair is a typical example of a company using a cost leadership strategy. They successfully compete in the aviation industry by reducing costs and using economies of scale. therefore Ryanair operates one type of aircraft (Boeing 737-200) across its entire fleet.

Business Strategy Examples

In a differentiation strategy The company strives to create special offers that target customers value. Buyers must recognize that the offer is more valuable compared to other alternatives in the industry. On the other hand, companies can demand higher prices for their products.

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Example: Starbucks is a good example of a successful company using differentiation strategies. Although selling coffee as a product that can be bought online a well-designed store And the incomparable variety of flavors is why customers pay so much.

The general strategy of focus targets only a small number of target market segments.