Business Strategy Game Reddit

By | May 8, 2023

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Business Strategy Game Reddit

Business Strategy Game Reddit

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For Redditors (as its users are called), it’s a great way to keep a finger on the pulse of the Internet, participate in open discussions about common interests, get responses from highly engaged places, and of course, perpetuate memes.

To outsiders who haven’t learned how to use Reddit, it appears to be some sort of haven for clowning and satire, where anonymity prevails and users pledge to be weird with inside jokes and try to outdo each other for upvotes. :

Reddit is a completely different world compared to TikTok, Instagram, Twitter, or anywhere else you might spend your time online. So in a way, Snow, Reddit’s iconic alien pictured in the title of this poster, is a fitting mascot for this weird, wildly popular community site.

With 52 million daily active users and a $10 billion valuation, Reddit is the 16th most popular social media platform and bills itself as “The Front Page of the Internet.”

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Reddit is a place where a lot of viral content goes viral, where celebrities and interesting people open up and say “ask me anything” to the world, and where people come together to talk about every topic under the sun.

There’s a subview for (almost) everything from r/fitness for exercise/nutrition inspiration to r/CatsStandingUp, which is literally just pictures of cats… standing up.

Once you get past the complicated interface, understand how sharing on the platform works, and learn about its nuances, Reddit can add a lot of value to your life and hate marketing altogether. Your business

Business Strategy Game Reddit

The first thing you need to understand is that Reddit thrives on anonymity, but it’s tempered by transparency.

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Using your real name or birthday as a username is strongly discouraged unless you plan to invest in your personal brand. Speaking freely and engaging with others is how you get the most out of Reddit This is because other users can easily see your entire post/comment history, making it easy to police the community itself and assess how authentic is a person based on past behavior on the site.

Creating an account is quite easy. You only need a username and password. you only need to enter your email if you want to confirm your account for long-term use.

Because of this, it’s not uncommon for users to have one or two “main” accounts that they rely on, and several “throwaway accounts” that are only used once or in specific situations.

Once you sign up, you’ll automatically subscribe to many popular subreddits like r/video and r/gif, but you should also subscribe to other subreddits that you want to be a part of based on your interests.

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If there’s a subreddit you want that doesn’t exist (although it’s unlikely), you can also create your own subreddit.

On Reddit, people are becoming adept not only at “Internet talk” but also at terms specific to the platform. There are a whole host of words and acronyms that you will learn over time

To help you navigate this strange new world, here’s a glossary of commonly used Reddit terms, many of which will be discussed in more detail later in this post:

Business Strategy Game Reddit

Vote against. A downvote indicates that a post or comment is inappropriate, non-promotional, or of no value.

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Charisma. Post Karma and Comment Karma, both of which reflect the quality of your account on Reddit These points are awarded based on the upvotes you receive from your activity on Reddit and exist to give the community a sense of your legitimacy and experience as a Redditor.

Reddit Gold. a premium Reddit membership with additional features that can be purchased for yourself or awarded to users who you believe have made significant contributions to Reddit.

Mod (moderator). An account that monitors the subreddit to ensure its rules are followed, with exclusive permission to ban and remove users, posts and comments as they see fit.

TL; DR (Too long, don’t read). A short summary summarizes most of the text, usually in a long text entry.

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X-Post (Cross-Post). Sharing a post from one sub to another by submitting the URL of the original post to Reddit and this “X-post from the original sub”. This is considered an appropriate way to share something across multiple subreddits

Repost. Post something that has already been posted on that subreddit Try to avoid this by searching subreddits to see if your link has already been shared

Throwaway Account. A Reddit account that is not the user’s primary account and is not intended for long-term use. A user can have multiple accounts for different events

Business Strategy Game Reddit

OC (Original Content). Content that is considered original to Reddit and not reposted from elsewhere, but created by the user themselves.

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IRL (In Real Life). is synonymous with the offline world and refers to your real experiences outside of your online Reddit identity.

NSFW (not safe for work). Obvious or inappropriate content that is not meant to be displayed in a public place This is usually found in the post title to warn people before clicking on a link

FTFY (It’s Fixed for You). correction of a typo or factual error, or sometimes used as an offhand comment.

TIL (Today I learned). Some users didn’t know before, but now do (probably) thanks to the internet. R/todayilearned has a whole subreddit for these lessons

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AMA (Ask Me Anything). Invite Redditors to ask any question that a user will answer. It’s usually “I [something unique/interesting about you], ask me something.” Visit r/AMA for examples

Shadow barrier. since a person with a banned account can only move to another account, a “shadow ban” is a special punishment where the user does not know that he has been banned, because instead of closing his account, his entire future. the records are: Mostly invisible to everyone

Flair: Added as part of your display name in a specific subreddit (some are defined by mods and some allow you to create your own). Sometimes subreddit rules require you to use a flare to indicate that you are a certain type of poster.

Business Strategy Game Reddit

This is by no means an exhaustive list, nor should you be expected to understand it right away, but it’s a great resource to refer back to when learning about Reddit.

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Online etiquette is important wherever you post online. But it’s even more important on Reddit, where it’s easy to hide behind anonymity and engage in bullying, spam, and classified ads.

You can read the whole thing about Reddit’s own guidelines or Reddit, but it boils down to one simple rule.

When you post something, ask yourself if it’s relevant to the subreddit and do a quick search to see if it’s already been posted.

When you upvote, downvote, or comment on someone’s post, think about how the subreddit gets the most out of it.

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Posts and comments should add value. posting the same stuff someone else posted or commenting “that’s funny” or “cute dog” will get you new, smart, insightful or educational will rather than positive.

It’s best to assume that each subreddit is different from the next and take some time to learn each one’s rules and posting behavior before committing. Violation of the rules may result in your posts being deleted or banned from the subreddit.

By posting and commenting on Reddit, you earn upvotes that lead to Karisma, which is Reddit’s way of measuring each user’s contribution.

Business Strategy Game Reddit

There are two types of submissions you can make on Reddit (although some subreddits may be limited to one or the other):

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You can submit them to your subreddit from the Create Post page and click Post when you’re ready to publish.

Before submitting, though, be sure to use Reddit’s search feature to make sure you’re not reposting an existing post (Redditors frown on this). Here you can find tips on how to be specific in your search

Timing, the text you write, and the caption you provide all play a role in getting engagement on Reddit. Get enough upvotes and comments in no time, and your post could rise to the top of the subreddit and eventually to the front page of Reddit, where millions of people will see it.

Because Reddit embraces anonymity and it’s common for users to have multiple accounts, Karma is how Reddit establishes trust. No matter how much work you do, Reddit will take you seriously But there are two types: post karma and do karma

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You can earn post karma for upvotes on posts, and comment karma for upvotes on your comments, so it’s a good idea to be active.