Business Strategy In Strategic Management

By | September 12, 2023

Business Strategy In Strategic Management – Strategic management includes setting goals, analyzing the competitive environment, analyzing the internal organization, evaluating strategies, and ensuring that management formulates strategies throughout the organization.

Strategic management is divided into several schools of thought. A prescriptive approach to strategic management describes how strategies should be developed, while a descriptive approach focuses on how strategies should be implemented. These schools differ in whether strategies are developed through an analytical process, where all threats and opportunities are considered, or as general guiding principles that apply.

Business Strategy In Strategic Management

Business Strategy In Strategic Management

Business culture, employee skills and abilities, and organizational structure are all important factors that influence how well an organization can achieve its goals. Companies that do not adapt may struggle to succeed in a changing business environment. Creating a barrier between the development of strategies and their implementation makes it difficult for managers to determine whether goals are being effectively met.

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Although an organization’s top management is ultimately responsible for its strategy, strategies are often stimulated by the actions and ideas of lower-level managers and employees. Instead of relying solely on the chief executive officer (CEO) for guidance, an organization can have multiple employees dedicated to strategy.

Because of this fact, organizational leaders focus on learning from past strategies and assessing the environment as a whole. The collective knowledge is then used to develop future strategies and guide employee behavior to ensure that the entire organization is moving forward. For these reasons, effective strategic management requires an internal and external perspective.

Strategic management spans internal and external communication and tracking practices, ensuring that the company achieves the goals defined in its strategic management plan.

Strategic management involves managing an organization’s resources, analyzing internal and external forces, and developing strategies to achieve goals and objectives. There are five key steps that can help businesses implement their strategies.

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For example, a for-profit technical college wants to increase freshman enrollment and student graduation rates over the next three years. Its mission is to name the college the best buy for the student’s money among five non-profit technical colleges in the region with the goal of increasing revenue.

In that context, strategic management means making sure the school has the funds to build high-tech classrooms and hire qualified teachers. The college invests in marketing and recruitment and implements student retention strategies. The college management reviews whether its objectives are being met from time to time.

The purpose of strategic management is to help their company find ways to become more competitive. For that, practicing strategic management plans is an important aspect of planning. Implementation plans include identifying standards, reallocating resources—financial and human—and positioning leadership resources to oversee the creation, sale, and deployment of products and services.

Business Strategy In Strategic Management

In business, strategic management is important because it allows a company to analyze areas for operational improvement. In many cases, they may follow an analytical process that identifies potential threats and opportunities, or follow general guidelines. Due to the organizational structure, a company may choose to follow a prescriptive or descriptive approach to strategic management. Under the prescriptive model, strategies are described for development and implementation. In contrast, a descriptive approach describes how a company can develop these strategies.

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Strategic management is the process of creating goals, strategies and objectives to make a company or organization more competitive. Generally, strategic management looks at the effective allocation of personnel and resources to achieve these goals. In general, strategic management includes strategy evaluation, internal organizational analysis, and company-wide strategy implementation.

Consider a large company that wants to achieve very ambitious online sales rates. To achieve these goals, the company creates a strategy, communicates this strategy, applies it to different units and departments of the organization, adapts it to employee goals, and executes accordingly. An effective strategy applied, ideally, helps a company achieve its goals through a single process.

Strategic management is not a one-size-fits-all strategy. However, there are important points that seem critical. These include goal setting, industry and organizational analysis, strategy formulation, strategy implementation; and measurement, monitoring and control strategies.

Strategic management is the alignment and management of resources to achieve the company’s goals and objectives. Although it is often divided into prescriptive or descriptive schools of thought, many businesses subscribe to an integrative philosophy that describes how to develop strategy and how to use strategies. Strategic management helps companies set goals, gain a competitive edge, better manage their resources, and more. There is no one-size-fits-all prescription. Companies should create and adopt a strategic management process that works best for their company and those they serve. Strategic management does not end with the successful implementation of strategies; It continues for the life of the business. Strategic alternatives are developed to set directions for the use of business human and material resources for the greatest opportunity to achieve selected goals. Strategy is a comprehensive concept, and for this reason, it is often used in different ways.

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But this difference creates a big problem when some writers focus on two end points (mission, goals, objectives) and the means to achieve them (policies and plans). However, others emphasize the means rather than the ends of the strategy process.

Strategy refers to the determination of the purpose or mission and the basic long-term goals of the business and the allocation of resources and the adoption of courses of action necessary to achieve these goals.

Policies are general statements that guide managers’ thinking for decision making. They provide a broad boundary within which decisions must fall.

Business Strategy In Strategic Management

However, it is related to the direction of using human and material resources to increase the chance of achieving the chosen goals.

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An important function of strategies and policies is to integrate plans and provide direction. But if one of them is alone, it cannot ensure that the organization will reach its goal.

Strategic planning may seem like a simple exercise; It examines the current and expected future situation, determines the direction of the organization and develops methods to achieve the goal.

In fact, strategic planning is a complex process that requires a systematic approach to identify and analyze factors outside the organization and align them with the organization’s strengths.

Strategy formulation involves identifying ways an organization can achieve performance goals, undermine competitors, achieve competitive advantage, and ensure the organization’s long-term survival. .

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In a diversified company with different types of business under one umbrella, strategies are initiated at four levels.

Corporate strategy is formulated at the highest level of top management of a diversified company (in our country, a diversified company is known as a group of companies such as Alphabet Inc). Such a strategy describes the company’s overall direction regarding its various businesses and product lines.

For example, P&G’s corporate strategy is to acquire the major Canadian tissue paper companies to become the undisputed market leader.

Business Strategy In Strategic Management

Corporate-level strategy is the set of strategic alternatives that a company chooses as it manages its operations in multiple industries and markets simultaneously.

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It is a business-unit-level strategy formulated by the unit’s senior managers. This strategy emphasizes strengthening the company’s competitive position in products or services.

Business strategy includes all steps and methods to compete against competitors and management includes methods to solve various strategic problems.

As stated by Hitt and Jones, business strategy consists of action plans adopted by strategic managers to use the company’s resources and unique strengths to gain a competitive advantage over its competitors in the market.

Business strategy is often formulated in line with corporate strategy. The main goal of business strategy is product development, innovation, integration (vertical, horizontal), market development, diversification, and more.

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And competitive advantage comes from strategies that bring some uniqueness to the market. Winning competitive strategies are rooted in sustainable competitive advantage.

Business strategy is concerned with actions taken by managers to improve the company’s market position by satisfying customers. Improving market position means taking actions against competitors in the industry.

Therefore, the concept of competitive strategy (as opposed to cooperative strategy) has a competitor orientation. The purpose of a competitive strategy is to win the hearts of customers by satisfying their needs and ultimately, to surpass competitors (or rival companies) and gain competitive advantages.

Business Strategy In Strategic Management

The success of a competitive strategy depends on the strengths, strengths and weaknesses of the company and the strengths, strengths and weaknesses of its competitors.

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While doing business, companies face many strategic issues. The management must effectively deal with all the issues to survive in the market. Business strategy deals with these issues along with how to compete.

Business-level strategy is a set of strategic alternatives that a company chooses when conducting business in a particular industry or market.

Thus, there may be production strategy, marketing strategy, advertising strategy, sales strategy, human resource strategy, inventory strategy, financial strategy, training strategy and so on.

A dynamic strategy refers to a strategy that emphasizes a

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