Business Strategy Kellogg

By | December 12, 2023

Business Strategy Kellogg – Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. We’ve all heard this phrase before. The idea behind this is that we use up energy when we sleep, surprisingly as it is. Also, after waking up, we haven’t eaten since the previous day. Therefore, to replenish and re-energize we must start our days right. Different people have different breakfast preferences. But there is one food item that hits home regardless of age. And this is corn. Kellogg’s will be the chosen subject of today’s blog as one of America’s leading cereal producers.

Let’s start this blog discussion by looking at the company’s mission and vision statements.

Business Strategy Kellogg

Business Strategy Kellogg

“Our goal is to raise families so that they can flourish. Our heritage drives the future of our company and excites us for tomorrow.”

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First, whether intentional or not, the words ‘feed’ and ‘bloom’ are rhymes that can bring more focus and attention to a statement.

Breakfast is a great time to unite the family, which is why the presence of the family in the sentence is very understandable.

The purpose of the company is not only to sell products but to actually do good for people. It focuses on what is best and what customers can see.

The simple explanation is that this company wants to make its biggest investment in the world. One of his main aspirations for the future is to make changes but in a fair way.

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The statement is so short that it can leave people thinking that everything that needs to be said has not been said. However, it is actually the opposite. With a short and interesting statement, the company has not only found a good way to attract people immediately but it is written so simply that it does not leave many questions.

In the picture, we see two rice krispy chips in the shape of a heart, and below that, we see “my moms.” At first glance this does not provoke any thoughts but if we are more careful, we will see that the colors used for treatment are similar to the LGBT flag. Then, the caption makes it clear that this post is dedicated to Mother’s Day. This is a way to congratulate all the mothers out there for performing their duties efficiently.

Now, what does this post, specifically, tell us about Kellogg? There are a few things we would like to mention.

Business Strategy Kellogg

The first is positive towards the LGBT community. It brings into picture not only the community but everyone around. It talks about the equality of all living things and the company’s goal of spreading kindness and acceptance.

Kelloggs 13 Full

It’s also interesting how the company chose Mother’s Day to spread this kind of message. In this way the company not only shows a different approach but a better one. One that is simple but clean and amazing. With more messages like this, one day we will live in a world of incredible justice.

So these considerations lead us to nothing more than the conclusion that the archetype Kellogg has chosen is The Innocent.

Level Four: A near mystical sense of unity, in which innocence comes from morality and integrity, not from external experience, being, not doing.

Global Presence: The products of this company are available in 180 countries. 18 of them are also manufacturers. This makes it the second largest worldwide in the Kellogg’s snack foods category. Something that really affected this was the availability of Pringles potato chips.

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Strategic Acquisitions: Kellogg’s has acquired many companies throughout the period. This made it possible for the company to use most of its resources. Kellogg’s largest investment and purchase was the Keibler Company. This happened in 2001. Later, the company acquired other brands such as Bear Naked, Natural Touch, Cheese-It, Murray’s, Famous Amos, Austin Cookies and Crackers, Burger Garden, and so on.

Advanced Consciousness: When it comes to advertising, saving money is out of the question for this company. Within a year, it consumes more than one billion dollars, and as a result, it is the largest producer of grain in the world. The strategy of being present in economically developed countries and regions brings great success to this company. For example, Kellogg of the United States is one of the official sponsors of the Olympic and Paralympic teams.

Marketing plans: It is important to come up with smart marketing ideas while keeping the brand out there. What Kellogg is doing, is that from the beginning he has made it clear that the main and most important goal is to fight hunger. This is a very important and valuable message, especially in today’s toxic food culture of not forgetting that food is an essential element of survival. Among the marketing plans used by the Kellogg Wal-Mart stand, the Master Brands TV campaign, and many others. He helped establish the company as a global brand.

Business Strategy Kellogg

Questionable Marketing Campaigns: Contrary to the idea of ​​fighting hunger, some things are questionable for such companies. Things like the actual health benefits of the product being offered. Because cereals contain sugar and harmful ingredients like high fructose corn syrup, food bloggers have failed to voice their concerns. Also, another thing Kellogg’s does sometimes is to send marketing messages that are not related to the products themselves. Of course, with the excitement of the media, consumers have become more aware and concerned about these things.

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Slow innovation: Although Kellogg’s is a leading cereal company not only domestically but also internationally, there is still competition to keep up with it. Since it is not a very innovative company, targeting developing markets is a challenge.

Market Penetration: Gaining more insight into the current market can be very beneficial for this company. In this way developing markets will be automatically targeted, thereby increasing the company’s profits.

Changing Lifestyle: Nowadays, people are busy and focused on developing their professional life. This makes it impossible to spend extra time preparing food. So, the big advantage here is that making cereal is very easy. It won’t take more than three minutes. Employees like to use their time efficiently and free it up whenever possible.

Targeting restaurants and hotels: A good way to increase business profits is to use restaurant and hotel chains. Many companies have already done this, and now it’s Kellogg’s turn.

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Fierce Competition: The food industry is a threat when it comes to growth as many similar categories, such as prepared foods, local food joints, and local restaurants make it challenging.

Government regulations: The government is slowly but surely paying more attention to the ingredients used in cereals. As already mentioned, sugar and other ingredients in cereal make it less healthy.

Lifestyle changes: As people are busy, another thing they like to do to spend less time on cooking is not spending time on it. Meals to go are very convenient and something that people can turn to more and more as lifestyles continue to change.

Business Strategy Kellogg

And let’s get to the last part of this blog, which will be about the segment that Kellogg’s has chosen to focus on.

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At the beginning of the video, we see an ordinary family of three eating breakfast. It looks very normal. But after a while we found out that they really missed a member. So the mother prepares a bowl of cereal for the little girl to take to her sister. This one is obviously going through a difficult time mentally so he is still in bed. The next day his younger sister does the same but jokingly as a lover. And finally, bringing the act of breakfast between two sisters becomes normal.

At the end of the video, we are shown a different moment where the girl is already recovering. And when his younger sister enters the room to give him the usual bowl of cereal, he is not in bed. Instead, at the dining room table, the whole family reunited.

“Every day is the gift of a new beginning” as the Christmas cereal proclaims. However, there are 364 days left in the year that can all be equally special.

The perceived importance of family, caring for each other, and the expectation of positivity and happiness make it clear that the area Kellogg has chosen to focus on is a valid one.

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This part is critical and cautious about what they are doing, and as a result all experiments stop. They usually have a plan and know what to do.

Genuine people care about career development and, therefore, never fail to look for new opportunities. However, at the same time, the amount of their income does not define their success.

There is a family

Business Strategy Kellogg