Business Strategy Life Cycle

By | August 6, 2023

Business Strategy Life Cycle – Most alert and thoughtful senior marketing managers know the concept of the product life cycle. Although few are distinguished, today’s corporate leaders have been introduced to this wonderful concept. However, in my recent survey of such supervisors, the concept was not used in any way, and unfortunately, it was used in any kind of technical way. It, like many interesting theories of economics, physics, and sex, has remained in the baggage of a long-lasting wonder but almost useless and seemingly useless, and its presence in the discourse of professional communication increases the need for more but it seems impossible to legitimize. the idea that marketing management is somehow a job. Furthermore, there is a continuing feeling that the life cycle concept adds light and credibility to the ongoing assertion in some circles that marketing approaches something like a science.

The concept of product life is on the same level as the Copernican concept of the world 300 years ago: many people know about it, but no one seems to use it in any practical or effective way.

Business Strategy Life Cycle

Business Strategy Life Cycle

Now that most people know and understand the product life cycle, it’s time to put it to work. The purpose of this article is to suggest some ways to use the concept wisely and transform its existing knowledge into a competitive management tool.

How To Use The Product Life Cycle (plc) Marketing Model

Since this point has been presented differently by different authors and to different audiences, it is worth summarizing it here so that every reader will be equally informed about the subsequent discussion of this article.

The life story of the most successful products is one that goes through distinct, recognizable phases. This is shown in Exhibit I and proceed as follows.

This is the time when a new product is first introduced to the market, when demand has not yet been demonstrated, and it is often not well demonstrated by technology in general. Sales are low and growth is slow.

Demand increases and market volume begins to grow rapidly. It can also be called “Layer”.

Product Development Life Cycle Template

With the advent of the automobile, products such as trolley whips disappeared, silk was lost to nylon, and sales began to decline.

Bringing a new product to market is full of unknowns, uncertainties, and often unknown risks. In general, demand must be “created” at the beginning of the product

. How long this takes depends on the complexity of the product, the degree of innovation, customer satisfaction, and the availability of substitutes of another form. Proven cancer treatments do not require market development; he will get a lot of support. A better replacement for lost wax sculpture casting process takes a long time.

Business Strategy Life Cycle

Customer-driven new product development has proven time and time again to be one of the most important drivers of sales and profit growth, but it’s even more costly and life-threatening in relation to product development. Nothing seems to consume more time, more money, cause more trouble, cause more pain, and destroy work than a new product plan for a real, well-designed product. In fact, most new products do not have an old life cycle curve at all. They have an infinite downward curve from the start. The product doesn’t just come off the ground; he goes underground very quickly – less than six meters.

Product Life Cycle Stages For Strategic Success

So it’s not surprising that some companies that are disappointed and burned out are adopting a security policy recently, which I call the “used apple policy.” Instead of aiming to be the first company to spot and exploit an opportunity, they wisely avoid being the first. Let others take the first bite of the so-called juicy apple that surprises them. They let others do the pioneering work. If the idea works, they quickly follow. They even say, “The problem with being a pioneer is that pioneers are killed by Indians.” So they said (fully mixing their metaphors) “We don’t have to bite the first apple. The second one is good enough.” They want to eat a used apple, but they try to be vigilant enough to make sure that they use less – they try to take the second big bite, not the tenth.

The shape of the new product successfully rose gradually in the sales curve during the growth of the market segment. During this period of growth, consumer demand increases significantly and sales increase. Growth is increasing. This is the beginning of the second part

. At this point, potential contestants who have been watching the events unfolding in Phase I enter the competition. First movers are usually those who use the “used apple policy” successfully. Others enter the market as carbon copies of the manufacturer’s products. Others improve efficiency and productivity. And at this time, the product and the diversity of the brand begin to grow.

Struggling with customer support creates entirely new challenges for the developer. Instead of finding ways to attract customers

Product Life Cycle Strategy

. This often requires major changes in marketing strategies and tactics. But the policies and procedures being adopted now will not be the genius of the first developer, nor will they be as ambitious as they were in the first Phase. The presence of competitors dictates and limits what can be easily tested, e.g. , testing which is the best price level or the best distribution channel.

As consumer adoption increases, it is often easier to open new distribution channels and retail outlets. As a result, filling the distribution pipeline often causes factory sales in all industries to grow faster than retail sales. This creates an increased perception of profitability, thereby attracting more competitors. Some of these will start selling at lower prices later due to technological advances, shorter production runs, lower margins required to obtain distribution, etc. All this pushes the industry to the threshold of a new level of competition over time.

. The first signs of its emergence are proof of the saturation of the market. This means that many of the consumer companies or households with sales prospects own or use the product. Sales are increasing at the same rate as the population. There is no need to refill the supply pipe. Price competition is now intense. Competitive efforts to gain and maintain a brand advantage now include creating unique and nuanced differences in products, customer service, marketing strategies, and products.

Business Strategy Life Cycle

Generally, the market growth stage is where the manufacturer focuses on building distribution centers, maintaining shelf space, and ultimately trying to get more distribution. During the development of the market, the founder relied heavily on the good efforts of his salesmen and distributors to help sell his product, but now salesmen and distributors are usually product sellers and order takers. Especially for quality products, the manufacturer must now more than ever communicate directly with the customer.

A Strong Cio And Pmo Relationship Is A Win Win Strategy

The level of market growth often requires a new type of focus on competition. Manufacturers are increasingly required to communicate with consumers based on price, product differentiation, or both. Clear and effective ways of differentiation are based on the product or service and the deal offered in relation to it. In addition to this, efforts will be made to create differentiation and promotion of the product, and to reach specific market segments through packaging and advertising. A growth segment of the market can pass quickly, just like most women’s fashion, or for food items such as men’s shoes and industrial ties, per capita consumption cannot increase or decrease over generations. Or it may still be growing, but with a slight but steady decline in alcohol and iron intake.

. In both growth and decline, the branch changes. Few companies can weather the storm of competition. As demand is decreasing, the surplus that was already seen during the boom is now happening. Some developers look strangely at the writing on the wall, but with good judgment and cunning, they clearly predict that they will be among the survivors of the flood of industrial growth. In order to hasten the sinking of their competitors or to threaten them to leave the industry voluntarily, they initiate various forms of depression, encourage mergers or acquisitions, and often carry out activities that seriously burden the life of firms. and death is the inevitable result of many of them. Few companies pay attention to the weather