Marketing Strategy Assignment

By | September 14, 2023

Marketing Strategy Assignment – Founded in 1995 by Jeffrey Bezos in Seattle (Washington, USA), Amazon has become a global center for online sales of consumer goods. Delivering Books First Amazon now offers products in over 40 different product categories.

Amazon, ubiquitous on the Internet, claims to be “the world’s largest customer-centric company.” Of course, Amazon is doing its best to achieve this goal by continuously improving the service. Whenever a new service is introduced, customer expectations always dictate the key features.

Marketing Strategy Assignment

Marketing Strategy Assignment

But what kind of online company would Amazon be without this amazing customer mission being encouraged and promoted. Having grown up on the Internet and familiar with all marketing tools, Amazon uses every opportunity to promote its brand and services.

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In addition to user experience, Amazon’s success depends on its popularity and availability. Amazon manages this with advanced partner programs for rapid and continuous growth. Because of Amazon’s market power, product prices are higher than online competition.

As the Internet has not yet reached its full potential and not everyone, especially the older generations, can use the Internet for daily shopping, Amazon’s growth will continue and the outlook is vibrant, providing more customer service. continues. Objectives The objective of this assignment is to analyze how Amazon has used its vision of “becoming the world’s largest consumer company” and what marketing strategies and tools are used to convince consumers to buy from

The website was launched on July 16, 1995. As early as 1994, founder Jeffrey Bezos was inspired by the idea of ​​revolutionizing the book business by creating an online bookstore with the best customer service. . . At first he was laughed at, Jeffrey Bezos stuck to this idea and created the most popular online bookstore. (Spector, 2003, pp. 33-45)

One of the main roots of the success story of is the participation of Jeffrey Bezos in creating the technical foundations of, because the customer experience of the Internet portal is largely determined by its technical implementation. From the beginning, Bezos and his founders asked, “What if…?” Therefore, this question answered leads to the introduction of a user-friendly portal like (Spector 2003, pp. 56-60).

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Today, Amazon is a world leader in e-commerce, with international locations and a global network of satisfaction and customer service. offers everything from books and electronics to tennis rackets and diamond jewelry and operates locations in the UK, Germany, France, Japan, Canada and China, and has more than 25 fulfillment centers worldwide. (About Amazon)

Before getting into the details of Amazons advertising process, it is important to review exactly what Amazon offers to find the right target for further analysis. For this, Business Mix and its four components will be explained shortly.

Because Amazon is a true service provider, the products Amazon sells are not consumer goods. The best products or services that Amazon offers:

Marketing Strategy Assignment

However, consumer goods presented on the portal should be seen and remembered as products under the responsibility of Amazon.

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Based on the above product description, it seems that the price analysis of these services is not too far. But since the customer does not pay anything directly for the services used

, even if he performs the service in general, in this case it is necessary to take into account the price of the goods sold.

Amazon provides the above-mentioned consumer goods with services described mainly through its portal on and other sites. The site, which means “where to find products and services”, is an online store.

Questions about where the product comes from and where the product is manufactured are usually not relevant to the buyer, because he can get the product at the expected price in a reasonable time.

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Online marketing comes with online marketing because target customers can be found online.

Amazon’s online network is betting big that the Internet is, by definition, a medium for information. Mailing uses word of mouth, banner advertising, email campaigns and other common internet marketing methods.

Amazon, as one of the pioneers of the Internet in the mid-90s, was involved in the definition of the Internet, which was born and modeled on the new possibilities of electronic communication (IP-based) that were emerging at that time.

Marketing Strategy Assignment

At the dawn of the Internet and in the first years after the launch of, new interesting and cool websites were published by popular websites such as Yahoo and Netscape. Embedded website links bring more traffic to the recommended websites. Amazon took advantage of these benefits and had a lot to do to realize its ambitions to become a consumer hub. But even though the expected demand has been greatly exceeded, Amazon has taken the opportunity to adapt its capabilities to date to keep up with the evolution of the Internet. (Spector 2003, pp. 64-78, 84-125)

Amazon Marketing Strategy

So, after more than 13 years of successful online business, Amazon has all the capabilities and experience to take advantage of every imaginable internet marketing opportunity to transform the Amazon brand and Bezos’ Vision into the world’s largest company.

In this scenario, Amazon’s customers are consumer customers, not retail customers. They have to pay a commission for the products sold on the Amazon platform. Please provide details on what you need help with, along with a budget and timeframe. Questions are submitted anonymously and can be made 100% private.

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TOPIC Marketing Strategy UNIT 2 Managerial Strategy MBA UNIVERSITY OF NAMIBIA BUSINESS SCHOOL QUESTION: Michael Porter’s work is based on the idea that the nature and intensity of competition within an industry is determined by the interaction of five fundamental forces. Identify and explain how each of these forces affects marketing strategy. [25 marks] ANSWER: INTRODUCTION Mehta (2019) defines marketing strategy as the process by which a company differentiates itself from its competitors by focusing its efforts on providing better services and value to customers. Maintaining a position in the market or creating a new one requires companies to attack competitors or defend themselves from attack. The strategies available to each company depend on its market position relative to its competitors (Blythe, 2006). According to Drummond, Ensor & Ashford (2008), it is important for a company to understand the nature of relationships in the industry in which it operates to enable it to develop strategies to cope with competition. Porter (1979) says that competition is often seen in a narrow frame and as a result it