Marketing Strategy Contoh

By | October 18, 2023

Marketing Strategy Contoh – Launching a new product is an ambitious task and a big challenge for marketers. The first steps in the market are like playing the lottery: sometimes even the most thorough analysis cannot predict the customer’s reaction.

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Marketing Strategy Contoh

Marketing Strategy Contoh

Google made several attempts to enter the social media market in 2008 with its Friends Connect product.

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In 2010, Google Buzz was launched. It also failed. In 2011, Google made one last attempt – Google+.

A few years later, Facebook released a series of Snapchat clones that failed. The first and loudest attempt was in 2012 using the Poke app.

At the time, Snapchat’s audience did not exceed tens of millions of users and was virtually non-existent outside of the United States.

But an almost identical product appeared, backed by a billion-dollar company, and so were the messages in this app.

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Facebook itself began to acquire universities and schools one after another. After building an insular and inclusive community, the company removed artificial restrictions at the registration stage.

By getting this problem right and using weak products, you can achieve incredible results. These are the strategies we will discuss below.

Instead of predicting how the latest product will be received by the buyer, it is necessary to study the market conditions and consumer sentiments and prepare carefully for the outcome.

Marketing Strategy Contoh

A consistent and clear plan of action will help you make a successful debut in the market and take your place among similar products or perhaps push them away.

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Even popular products risk being forgotten if competitors promote their products more actively and thoughtfully or if customer needs change.

The product promotion strategy will maintain a consistently high level of consumer interest in the product Restores or improves the reputation of the brand or product.

A new product strategy is a second opportunity to use wisely. This means that you cannot do without the help of high-quality traders.

A product strategy that works well in one market may not work well in another. Therefore, expanding product distribution requires a unique approach.

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Creating a product-to-market strategy is a non-trivial and difficult task to formalize.

Markets change, windows of opportunity open and close, and methods that worked yesterday no longer work today.

Every product has its loyal customers, and the advertising version of the product depends on its image.

Marketing Strategy Contoh

A/B testing is also useful. This approach allows finding ways to improve conversions, economic indicators and behavioral factors.

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More and more brands are turning to social media to understand customers. For example, Awario, a social listening and analytics tool with deep research capabilities, can track mentions of your brand and competitors.

To promote any product online, you need to know how your competitors behave and their strategies.

It’s a real-life experience of a company’s connection to thoughts, emotions, goals, and motivation.

The card is drawn up on behalf of the buyer. The map looks like a chart with points and channels that interact with its products.

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To make a good analysis, you need to collect enough information about the customer and the product and write it correctly on the map.

Different sales strategies work together with other products and services. To find out which business model will work and which model can be combined, you should work along the following lines.

You now have a list of important features to help you decide which business model to choose.

Marketing Strategy Contoh

The sales funnel is an analytical tool that allows you to understand how your potential customers decide to buy your product or service and what motives lead them to make that purchase.

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You can compare changes in the sales funnel and see exactly how deals move through the stages.

As a result, you will be able to work more purposefully, evaluate your team’s performance and make strategic decisions.

Distribution logistics is a set of strategic, organizational, financial and other measures related to a flexible system for managing material, information, financial and other flows.

The main advantage of a roadmap is that it shows the relationship between different departments over a long period of time.

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This tool is essential for a product manager, but somewhat complex. If used incorrectly, it can be confusing and a waste of time and money.

The company was founded in 2008 in San Francisco, California. Since then, Airbnb has expanded globally, serving 34,000 cities worldwide.

They conducted an experiment where Airbnb asked internet users to randomly offer hospitality to strangers. The results had to be published on social networks with the addition of a specific hashtag.

Marketing Strategy Contoh

In just three weeks, over 3,000,000 people worldwide joined the campaign, creating content and actively talking about the campaign.

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Nike has developed its global presence through carefully selected sponsors, such as its partnership with Manchester United.

Sponsorships can be unpredictable and expensive, but such associations have helped the brand gain the attention of a global audience.

By inviting its customers to become designers, Nike creates unique and customized products that fit the culture and style of other countries.

You’ve learned what an exit strategy is, but if you have questions, you can learn more about the concept by exploring additional authoritative sources.

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Once you’ve completed all the steps to create a go-to-market plan, your decisions for the future will be based on a solid foundation of knowledge, experience and information.

This article was written by Diane H. Wong. Diane prefers to spend her free time developing marketing strategies, sharing her expertise with others, and keeping up with the latest technology. The Digital Marketing Canvas A practical guide to developing strategies to accelerate business growth. DMC is a design thinking tool.

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit:

Marketing Strategy Contoh

The insurance industry is a ruthless industry. And the insurers are old and haven’t been changed for a long time. See an opportunity?

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I experienced Lemonade as a customer in California for a year and found Lemonade to have an innovative business model and a compelling brand. Here’s why: Lemonade keeps 25% as flat feet, 75% is kept to pay claims, and if there’s any money left over at the end of the year, Lemonade gives it back to non-profits of its customers’ choice.—> Bottom line : Lemonade has nothing to do . they earn by denying claims and their incentives make them pay very quickly. That’s why Lemonade pays out a third of their claims in seconds. —> Side effects: return to non-profit creates cause for prosecution. This creates a stable relationship with customers. This was especially important for millennials, their primary target audience (see Different Drivers of Social Media: Traditional Customers vs. Millennials). A solid case study to inspire any business that feels “stuck” in the old system. Shown here: > Digital Marketing Diagram > Business Model Diagram > Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs > SWOT Analysis > AARRR Model > Advertiser Net Score

What can we learn from Airbnb’s marketing strategy? Let this use case be a source of inspiration for your work.

The same questions come to mind when I work on digital strategy. How to create a good brand story in the customer journey? How do we connect the dots between customer acquisition and retention tactics? How to draw a scenario? When is the right time to talk about your mission, vision, value proposition, …? I often use analogies when my mind is blank. Because the brain works like an association machine. The brain loves connections, relationships, patterns… any sense of meaning. So my brain came up with something it knows very well: Airbnb. What can we learn from Airbnb’s digital marketing strategy? Above all, Airbnb is a great story of “pure, unadulterated rush.” To me, Airbnb is the perfect alchemy between the basics of marketing and the customer journey. Let’s describe it in the following sections: > DMC > Business Model Canvas > Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs > SWOT > AARRR > Net Promoter Score (NPS) > AIDA Model (Attention, Interest, Desire, Action)

Introducing Digital Marketing Mapping (DMC) I wish I had come across this sooner. Just like 5 years ago. When I didn’t know exactly what I was doing in my day job at a startup. Earn from 0 to 500 thousand euros per week. Read more

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I automated my work before I got fired. You can’t stop it. You can’t escape it. You can’t ignore it. Don’t call politics, the army, bureaucrats or your mother to save you. This is really abusive and your business could disappear because of it. Only those who can adapt to the tsunami of digital transformation will survive. Read more
