Marketing Strategy Elements

By | July 23, 2023

Marketing Strategy Elements – Posted at 13:17h in Blog, Content Creation, E-Commerce Web Design, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Social Media by Ar y Brig Visibility 24 Comments

From its origins in the 1990s, digital marketing has evolved from a simple online advertising campaign to a much more advanced technology-based, analytical and interactive marketing strategy for successful businesses around the world.

Marketing Strategy Elements

Marketing Strategy Elements

Constantly evolving, digital marketing strategies continue to advance and look different every year. Digital marketing has come a long way from its humble beginnings and many professionals may be asking, “What is digital marketing in 2018?” An article on Hubspot explains: “Today, experts define it in various ways. But fundamentally, digital marketing is the promotion of products or brands through one or more digital channels, including search engines, websites, social media and email. To achieve successful digital marketing, you need to do a number of things right.”

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Let’s face it; marketing has always been about connecting with your audience in the right place at the right time. Today, that means you have to meet them where they already spend time: on the internet. While the variables in a digital marketing strategy can be many, the following elements are all an essential part of a successful digital marketing strategy.

Your website is a vital part of your digital marketing strategy. For maximum impact, a website should be responsive to any device, publish relevant and up-to-date content, clearly communicate your company’s brand and values, include product-specific landing pages for PPC efforts, and integrate with site automation tools. marketing.

SEO can help you drive traffic to your website. SEO is defined as the process of optimizing your website to “rank” higher on search engine results pages by increasing the amount of organic (or free) traffic your website receives.

Your website content should be attractive and interesting. Content marketing uses creative and original content for the purpose of generating brand awareness, traffic growth, lead generation, and customer targeting.

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Many businesses use email marketing as a way to communicate with their audience. Email is often used to promote content, display discounts and events, and direct people to a website.

Social media is a great way to promote your brand and content to increase brand awareness, drive traffic, and generate leads for your business.

Pay per click is a way to drive traffic to your website by paying a publisher every time your ad is clicked. One of the most common types of PPC is Google AdWords.

Marketing Strategy Elements

Having a solid digital marketing plan can help your business meet customers where they are online and maximize your marketing budget. If you are interested in a unique digital marketing campaign that will attract visitors to your website and ultimately increase your sales, contact the experts at On Top Visibility. We will work closely with your business to create a unique and responsive digital marketing campaign that uses SEO, social media and proven tactics to engage your online community and build interest and excitement for your products and services. Call us at 631-353-7417 to schedule a free consultation today. A sound marketing strategy is forever a central feature of any large company and that is not going to change in 2022. However, while tactics and how to operate come and go based on the whim of the media gods, there are 5 key elements of a strategy marketing tools that are worth your attention as you build that marketing plan.

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While we’ve previously covered what’s happening in online marketing in terms of new tactics and changes you need to make to optimize performance in the tactics you’re currently using, you also need to know how to bring it all together using universal marketing concepts that stand the test. . time. Focus on the five points below to build a stronger strategy in the coming months.

Your business cannot achieve any success if no one knows about its existence. Since the majority of consumers still start their shopping journey with an online search (88%, in fact), it’s crucial to support your website with SEO (search engine optimization) and online marketing strategies. Not only will this lead to more visitors to your website, but it will give your online store visitors an active boost, especially if you have a great landing page. By creating great content, you will also gain exposure when users engage with your content on social media and from other sites that link to your content. These actions further support your SEO.

Local SEO is also something to consider. In fact, 78% of local searches lead to local sales. When users search on a mobile device, the default is to show local businesses first in the results, so you’ll benefit greatly from using local SEO. Local startups are implemented with a Google Business Profile to confirm your physical location and add information about your business.

Remember, seven touchpoints are needed on average to get a sale. That’s why PPC (basically Google Ads), content marketing, and social media campaigns (organic and advertising) should take your marketing plan into high consideration. Building a consistent strategy across these multiple touchpoints is the only way to get the touches you need to get the conversion.

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Keeping your business alive in the customer’s mind is a key element of a marketing strategy that requires careful planning and effective execution.

Consumers won’t buy from a company if they have concerns about the quality or reliability of their product. Security is also an important consideration, especially in online businesses with an abundance of cybercriminals out there to steal your personal information.

Therefore, users almost always try to verify the legitimacy and quality of the company. Customer reviews and other forms of social proof confirm that you have a good product that others can trust. Trust in brands drives between 22% and 44% of customer loyalty. Confidence also drives purchase intentions.

Marketing Strategy Elements

For new businesses, consumers need to know that your company is serious and genuine in its concern for customer satisfaction and safety. Without the reviews and other forms of social proof available to more established companies, startups can rely on the professionalism and transparency of their marketing efforts to build trust in their target market.

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Your brand image is the repository of all brand beliefs and attitudes, including trust. Building a positive brand image starts with choosing a brand name. Find out how to register one today and you can start building the remaining elements of your brand image through marketing, including product performance, pricing and promotional messaging.

With so many companies out there, you can no longer fall into the trap of being generic or boring. Therefore, you must look to take a bold approach to all aspects of branding and marketing, including developing a brand personality that fits your business and resonates with your target market. Below, you can see the iconic representation of brand personalities (called brand archetypes) along with the brands that embody that personality.

Perhaps more importantly, the company needs to feel authentic and accessible to consumers, which means developing a consistent voice across communication channels.

Part of your brand’s personality comes from your promotional messages, including non-verbal elements like product quality, packaging, and price. For example, consider Godiva’s personality as an extravagant gift based on its high price, gold packaging, and select availability in high-end stores and own stores. Or, see the stark difference in brand personality used in the ad for Apple computers.

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Other elements of your brand’s personality come from how well you execute the foundational and supportive elements of your brand, such as investing in customer service and supporting causes that are important to your market. A combination of smooth human interaction and quick responses to their problems produces a positive personality. Personality is another reason consumers choose your brand over the competition.

Consumers want to buy from companies that share the same values. At present, many people are concerned about going green, for example, to protect the planet for future generations. Over 88% want to use brands that help them make a difference. Corporate social responsibility goes far beyond small talk and requires you to demonstrate your commitment to the values ​​you believe are important to your company

In addition to demonstrating corporate social responsibility, you must demonstrate that the brand and its products relate to a specific demographic group. If they feel part of the brand family, people will be much more likely to complete a purchase. More importantly, your hopes of converting one-time customers into loyal customers are greatly improved.

Marketing Strategy Elements

Finally, customers need to feel that your brand offers value for money. The mystical belief that consumers buy the cheapest products available has never been true and is not true today. Consumers seek value, which is the difference between costs (ie money exchanged but also time and effort) and benefits received (how well the product works, how easy it is to use and maintain, etc.).

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One of the best ways to achieve high value is to add something that users find valuable. For example, free shipping is pretty standard (although some companies require a minimum purchase to get free shipping), so charging for shipping reduces the value