Marketing Strategy Gojek

By | June 28, 2023

Marketing Strategy Gojek – Gojek has announced its first international marketing campaign as the brand will enter the Vietnamese and Thai markets. After operating under the Goviet brand in Vietnam and the GET brand in Thailand, the company announced in July that it will consolidate these brands into Gojek. This milestone will be marked with Gojek’s first international competition

Our video titled ‘Flow’ is dedicated to our customers, drivers, entrepreneurs and partners and reaffirms our commitment to creating technology. technology and services to reduce friction and disruption in people’s daily lives,” said Jasper Diestel. , SVP and Group Head of International Marketing at GOZEK

Marketing Strategy Gojek

Marketing Strategy Gojek

The orchestration of the film project involved 25 cars, 15 bikes and many stunt drivers, looping the large motordrome 75 times. The motordrome car measures 25 meters and the whole set took 10 days to build, with the crew working non-stop for 5 days to make the project a reality.

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Given the challenges posed by the pandemic, we are especially proud that our team and our partner organizations can pull out all the stops to make this happen – planning and action finished better than before. We can hope. “

It’s a great way to work with Gojek and we appreciate their creative thinking,” said Susanna Fagring, CEO of Forsman & Bodenfors Singapore. “Not all companies have the courage to take such steps to bring their name story and purpose to life We are very happy to have been able to make this film, which involves cars, motorcycles, stunt driver, crew and a huge motordrome car. The entire process took ten days to create and the end result is something unique that will introduce the Gojek brand to millions of new customers across the region. “

The plan was announced in Vietnam today on GoZek’s YouTube channel and member platform, as well as a video that appeared on TV. This will be accompanied by PR, digital and social media as well as external releases in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City. The campaign will start in Thailand and Singapore next week. As the need for many services started from Indonesia, Gojek Group competes to grow its presence in ASEAN, information is a powerful tool to enlighten everyone’s needs. business, said Feng Chen, a young director in charge of the unicorn startup’s overseas products.

Mrs. Chen is one of the founders of Gate, the Thai office of Gojek. The 28-year-old Australian was promoted to head of product for GoJek’s global market about four months ago.

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A hyperlocalized strategy should be adopted to reach foreign markets and services should meet the needs of the global market, he said.

In addition to Indonesia, Gozek operates in Vietnam, Singapore and Thailand. The company aims to enter the Philippines and Malaysia this year.

According to Ms. Chen, the hyperlocalized concept has had a good response in Thailand, with food delivery services growing rapidly in the market and quickly becoming one of the country’s leaders.

Marketing Strategy Gojek

Mrs. Chen’s job is to select programs that fit each business’s needs and local context, while still complying with regulatory requirements.

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“With the hyperlocalized concept, we are not only choosing services from Indonesia to advertise in Thailand, but going deeper to provide ‘special features’ to suit local needs,” said Mrs. Chen.

He said it is important to know the needs of customers in the local market, because new services are coming that cannot be rolled out before meeting the needs. .

Mrs. Chen is known as one of the few female leaders in the tech and startup world, which is heavily dominated by men.

Less than 10% of startups in the world are owned by women, according to tech job provider A third of the jobs in the IT industry are held by women

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Data also shows that women earn 29% less in tech than men in 2019.

“When I worked on the Gate engineering team, women were 40%,” Ms. Chen said. “At Gozek, we promote equality and gender equality. It’s the best – the best idea wins.”

He encourages everyone to speak at meetings, because it is a way to collect important information and get surprising ideas.

Marketing Strategy Gojek

“Women should be able to do whatever they want and feel that everything is possible,” Ms. Chen said. Don’t let others do things for them because you think they can’t do it.

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He has a passion for work and thinks he can have a positive impact on society, especially with 2 million drivers and 500,000 merchants on the platform .

“As a woman, I understand very well the female customers, who account for almost half of the customers,” Ms. Chen said.

Before joining GetThailand, he worked as a digital consultant for Deloitte Digital in Melbourne and as a product manager at Line Thailand.

Mrs. Chen said, “I decided to explore Thailand together because I want to see business that can have an impact on health and business, encourage business people to take advantage of technology. We are a tight, dynamic team with a drive for innovation and self-improvement, which is why we have managed to grow the table vag Food in three months from the start,” he said.

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A Taiwanese court on Thursday sentenced nine people to 11 to 18 years in prison.

CHIANG RAI: ​​Officials at Maa Khan Hospital in the northern border province of Ma Khan District are preparing to evacuate both staff and patients even as nearby wild animals are brought under control. on Thursday, the Ministry of Public Health said.

Thailand began celebrating Songkran, or Thai New Year, on Thursday, with locals and foreigners flocking to key areas and splashing water on each other across the country after the delayed for three years due to the coronavirus. Various services such as providing necessary support to its users and access to digital payments to buy products Epiphany Gojek is considered beyond an app and is known as ‘super app’ which works to provide a variety of services from transportation and delivery, digital payments, food and shopping, business, daily needs and entertainment (using tickets) .

Marketing Strategy Gojek

Gojek is an Indonesian super app that started in 2010 with the concept of transportation by Nadeem Makraim, Kevin Alluwi and Michelangelo Moran, where 20 bikes joined the Gojek crew.

Gojek Business Model

In the next 2 years, the company expanded its services to the next level and launched the GoJek app in 2015 with nearly 30 million downloads. In 2017, Gozek managed to rank 17th and became the first Southeast Asian company on the list of ‘Forbes’ 50 Companies That Changed the World’.

In addition, the company received national attention receiving the Best Indonesia Mobile Application 2015 and Best Startup, in 2017 the company received Indonesia’s Most Admired CEO and Most Creative in business solutions 2017. Later in 2019, it found Brandz Top 15 Most Valuable Indonesian Brands

The company achieved its success by starting a call center for transportation services in Indonesia called Gorid, Gocar, Gobox etc. has many platforms in seven Cosmopolitan countries – Vietnam, India, Singapore, Indonesia, Philippines. .| , Malaysia and Thailand

Vikram Dhiman, Director of Product, the company on demand – interview with the good product of GoJek. As mentioned, every business exists for a reason – profit, which is necessary when the business provides products and services to people.

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So, Gojek used the product in a good way – release the product at the time of high demand, improve the product to compete in the market, track the flow of customers and create products according to their preferences. do

In addition, Gozec is very important for the development of technical specifications because the company relies on 90 percent of online websites for its services, especially when there is spread.

To survive in the market, the business must be very attractive in the prices of goods and services. If the company plans to reduce its prices of services that will affect related to the growth of customers but will be difficult to market the target.

Marketing Strategy Gojek

On the other hand, overpriced products bring less customers and ultimately lead to lack of service and profit Gozek rejects the price war in their business because they lose A lot of money to create stable finances. come

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Gojek has expanded its delivery in more than 167 cities in Indonesia The company has become a pioneer of global use, connecting customers to access various products and services through online and offline platforms. In addition, the company has used a minimum of offline sales booths, outlets in supermarkets, cooperation with other e-commerce companies and orders from the Gojek website.

Manufacturing and selling products is a difficult task