Marketing Strategy Google

By | December 26, 2023

Marketing Strategy Google – The Internet is the subject of rapid and never-ending change. Search engines are always trying to increase their information about the website; and improve his performance. Google has been ranked as the most popular search engine among business information users in the 2006 Business Intelligence Resource Survey (Google UK 2007). It is also considered as one of the largest search engines. For this reason, Google UK needs a good marketing strategy to compete in the market and maintain its strong brand image. Therefore, marketing professionals should work hard to keep up with developments in order to stay informed.

The concept of resource-based management is based on the belief that a competitive advantage can occur when a company can acquire and develop resources that allow it to learn quickly and make better use of he learned from his competitors. Barney (1991) developed the resource-based perspective which states that the competitive advantage of companies is deepened based on the company’s resources and assets. According to Barney (1991), sources include:

Marketing Strategy Google

Marketing Strategy Google

“Expensive (if the firm can avoid or use strategies to improve its effectiveness or efficiency) Scarce (fixed resources due to the large number of competing firms may not provide a competitive advantage , or sustainable competitive advantage) Irreplaceable (because of three factors: unique historical circumstances, ambiguity, and social complexity) Irreplaceable (there is no strategic equivalent not rare or similar)” (Resource-Based View 2000).

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The case of Google UK shows that the company uses a resource-based strategy that helps develop strategic capabilities (Exhibit 12). Like its parent company, Google UK’s valuable resources enable the company to meet customer needs and deliver quality to end customers. In fact, it seems that Google has done some important projects, such as organizing PDF documents or acquiring the Deja newsgroup report. But the reality is that individual search engines do not cover the entire visible web, let alone the invisible web. So expecting a single search engine to cover the entire web seems remote. Another variable is dynamic databases (Google: case study 2006). These databases allow users to go directly to that page to perform a search. These databases contain a variety of file formats, such as free text databases, company directories, market research reports, annual data, or bibliographic information. Even free text databases vary in their format. Each can have a different set of fields or sections. Because there are different database formats, and because there are many different databases, it is not possible to search the entire world for all the information of all the databases available through Google. There are many organized file groups that allow cross-searching on a limited number of files, but it is important to perform a successful and effective search on them (Google: case study, 2006 ).

Google’s rare resources are human resources and technical solutions. Also, Google offers customers unique services such as geolocation and Google Video. Service quality is closely related to Human Resource Management, technology and business. So, the main “focus” is the service quality and the skills of the employees that guarantee the satisfaction of the customers. Managers face problems with new people, because the changes brought about by technology really require a new type of employee. The use of technology requires greater problem-solving skills and the ability to interpret data, thus widening the gap between skilled and unskilled workers. Daily tasks with little skill disappear quickly (Google: case study 2006).

Unequal resources are created by “historically unique, ambiguous and complex social situations”. It can be said that these resources have a great influence on the brand name and brand position of Google. Google is the first person in the industry developed by Larry Page and Sergey Brin in 1996. It can be assumed that the strong brand name will help the company to obtain a market share of 53.6% (Google UK 2007).

Non-substitutable resources are not the same as strategically valuable resources. These resources allow Google to break down administrative barriers that prevent the sharing of data across operations. Design, sales and production departments must work together. Using the right technology in well-planned systems can have a significant impact on performance. Organizations are becoming more efficient as top management can directly manage operations, and now computers make many of the decisions made by middle management (Google: case study, 2006) .

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Google really relies on a good marketing system and improving results. Marketing communication plays an important role in business results because it affects brand image and product branding. For Google, effective marketing information depends on an effective marketing system and the ability to evaluate the target market and economic conditions. Technical/resource issues Innovation in manufacturing technology and supply chain software is a key driver of Google’s marketing strategy. The threat is that investing in new technology requires additional capital. Intellectual property and licensing protect business practices (Google: case study, 2006).

The main drivers of the virtual market are competition and market dynamics. Search allows Google to achieve competitive advantages in relationships with competitors in an industry (Yahoo!,, Windows Live Search). It is important to remember that rare materials reflect the quality requirements of customers, their needs and expectations. The primary concern of a company like Google is innovation through service development, and attempts to improve competitive performance. In this case, placing the customer at the center of the service can be successful. The competitive advantage that Google achieves when the query determines the quality standard and gives companies a better picture of the needs of customers than in the past is available to their opponents. This benefit increases when consumers pressure companies to deliver quickly and often (pile 34). In general, Google has a competitive advantage as one of the largest companies in the sector. In organizations, as seen in the service industry, employee engagement can also be linked to a job role. Human resources have a huge impact on Google’s profitability and market position. For example, many members of staff are directly connected to the customer and see an opportunity to achieve the organization’s goals. People are part of the ‘product’ that the customer pays for. Customer satisfaction is influenced by the kindness, helpfulness and personal qualities of the staff such as the standard of food and drink, accommodation and other facilities. This is important to the work of the employees.

Google UK (and its parent company) use market segmentation in areas such as advertising, applications and search engine services. Google’s huge market share potential allows it to become independent.

Marketing Strategy Google

Market segmentation refers to marketing efforts to group potential customers based on demographic characteristics, geographic region, lifestyle, usage patterns, and behavioral characteristics. Thus, submarkets are defined by income, age, gender, occupation, and complex behavioral characteristics” (Michman 47).

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At the same time, dividing certain areas involves expenses, problems and possible disadvantages, especially if access is not easy. In international trade, a common way to define and describe markets is the exporting countries. Google’s market share is based on behavioral and cognitive factors. Google focuses on how people buy and use its services, how often and how much they consume. Marketing communication is also based on psychological factors that group people based on their attitudes, values ​​and lifestyles (Fill, 65).

Google uses the following variables to segment the market. Each of these factors plays a role in determining the nature and development of marketing communications. But the importance of each depends on the product / service category Google is dealing with. Core values ​​include sense of belonging, happiness and fun, warm relationships, self-fulfillment, respect, enthusiasm, sense of accomplishment, safety and respect. Specific application areas for this program include environmental monitoring, product integration and positioning, and advertising, among other applications. For example, in advertising and desktop applications, the market is divided between individual consumers and businesses, small and large companies, national and international companies. Age and gender differences did not have significant effects. However, the main users are young professionals and students (Google UK 2007).

After Michman (1991): “The heart of the new marketing strategy is segmentation, objectives and location. Google offers many services for different purposes of customers. Virtual companies like Google The world is becoming more and more connected.Advertising agencies and search engines handle important transactions for businesses all over the world.

Google will follow suit

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