Marketing Strategy Jenna Tiffany

By | October 27, 2023

Marketing Strategy Jenna Tiffany – ‘Strategy is actually the map that will lead you to your destination…strategies are the vehicles you are going to use to get there.’

Jenna Tiffany has worked with many businesses that mistake strategy for strategy. He decided that the best way to help them and many others was to write a book. Because books, as its foreword author Dan Barker points out, “can literally do magic,” providing all the value of the world’s most expensive courses, in a fraction of the time, at a fraction of the cost.

Marketing Strategy Jenna Tiffany

Marketing Strategy Jenna Tiffany

In this fascinating talk, we’ll discuss not only marketing strategy, but how this strategic approach is essential to writing a business book.

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Alison Jones: I’m here today with Jenna Tiffany, who is a multi-award winning marketer and author. He is recognized as one of the top 50 marketers in the world to follow. Founder and Strategy Director of Let’s Talk Strategy, Jenna is a Chartered Marketer and IDM Award Fellow with over 10 years of marketing experience and has consulted brands such as Shell, Hilton and World Duty Free on marketing strategies. some.

And his new book, Marketing Strategy: Overcome Common Pitfalls and Create Effective Marketing, won the 2022 Sales and Marketing Business Book Award, which is here. So welcome to the Jenna Show and congratulations

Alison Jones: I’m glad you’re here. Tell me a little about what that moment was like.

Jenna Tiffany: Yeah, it was actually a little weird because I unfortunately couldn’t be in the room when the award was announced and I was a little late getting the message. And then I actually found out that I won the prize and I actually found out through someone who sent me an email congratulating me. So I was like wow, okay, that’s brilliant.

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And then, of course, all the communication came in that I had won. So yeah, I’m incredibly honored. I’m really, really angry. You know, when I wrote the first book, I just hoped that it would help someone, and then I felt like it was a valuable part of my time.

So to receive the UK’s most prestigious book award is really amazing for me. So yes, it means a lot to me.

Alison Jones: What a shame you weren’t in the room and came out on stage screaming and hollering.

Marketing Strategy Jenna Tiffany

Jenna Tiffany: I know. Yes, it’s a real shame. I wish I was there, but unfortunately, it’s just one of those things.

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Alison Jones: No, absolutely. It’s really interesting, I’m also very impressed that it’s a brave effort and I like the way you talk, anyway here’s the avatar of this book. Show off your work as you go through it.

Jenna Tiffany: No, there are tons of books on marketing and strategy, and it’s a very broad topic.

Alison Jones: So tell me what it’s like to study as a writer. You think, well, what am I going to do standing here?

Jenna Tiffany: Yes, I wrote the book for myself because I had a lot of challenges in my marketing career because of the confusion between strategy and tactics. And writing a book was my whole goal. And when I went to the market, there were a lot of brilliant books, but to me I felt like they were also… almost too academically oriented, where you can’t use them in the everyday environment where you want to dive into. And go out, or you have some challenges to deal with, or you’re facing a certain situation, or you’re starting a certain kind of campaign. And I didn’t feel like there was a book where you could just pick up and run.

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I felt like the others were very, very heavy, and it’s just, you know, it’s a big thing.

So my goal with the book was to make it almost like a manual, so you can dip in and dip in and dip out. If you start with a strategy, you can start from scratch. If you already have a strategy, you can go to the relevant chapter and section and see examples there.

And I wanted to explore a strategy to highlight that, to help marketers, students, business owners understand that all of these elements. All these moving parts should be in one strategy instead of spending a lot of time focusing on strategy.

Marketing Strategy Jenna Tiffany

Alison Jones: I thought let’s explore a little bit because I thought it was really interesting. You, I mean again, I got it as soon as you said it, of course it did, but I’m not sure I could have explained it before I read it. So tell us your difference between strategies and tactics and why both are so important.

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Jenna Tiffany: Yeah, so a strategy is actually a map that takes you to your destination. This is the trick. So, all the details of what, where, who you apply to. Strategies are the vehicles you intend to use to reach your destination. So strategy definitely has a role to play. Without this strategy, you would not be able to execute your strategy.

But I think the biggest misconception is that a lot of businesses think they have one strategy, but actually they have many strategies, and they don’t necessarily plan how to use those strategies, they just work with them. . I’ve come across this a lot and I’ve worked with a lot of different companies and well, we have a strategy and well, what are your goals and who are you reaching out to? Oh, we’re right, we use these channels because our competitors are, and we know they work, so we just use it.

Whereas actually taking a step back and just looking at almost a bird’s eye view, that’s what we’re trying to achieve and that’s where we’re trying to get to. And this is where strategy can help us get there.

Alison Jones: And especially for small business owners, I think the strategies can be, they’re so shiny and there’s a new one coming out every five minutes. And you can spend a lot of time, you can waste a lot of time, mastering them, right? It’s changing faster than ever, I think.

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Jenna Tiffany: Yeah, and I think, I mean, I see it in both small and large businesses, where there’s a lot of pressure to chase what I call gloss. So there are new shiny objects and of course marketing is a very creative field. We have this creativity with lots of ideas and we definitely need these ingredients. And you need it in your strategy too.

And I think the other kind of challenge that the strategy has faced is that it’s seen as quite a complicated, time-consuming process that, you know, you have this document and you never look at it again and you don’t need to. let it be. An actual bound document, perhaps one page of A4, effectively lays out your plan.

But this kind of downgrading approach to running after the next shiny trick is something that I think is increasingly becoming a challenge in marketing. Because, as you say, there are many more things that have been added, changed and improved. You know, and there are new evolutions in this technique on a constant basis.

Marketing Strategy Jenna Tiffany

And I think we just have to look at something like Clubhouse and how a lot of companies have run away with Clubhouse without any strategy. They just saw it as the next brilliant trick. And where today? I’m not sure many people still use it. So for that…

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Alison Jones: …just like Second Life, you know, it has a following and they’re loyal, but right now they have very few. Yes.

And that, I think for me, was a really good example of where we pursued a strategy and didn’t think about our audience and where they are, because it’s not what the business wants to do, but where the audience is and how to attract that audience. And they’ll be able to to tempt.

Alison Jones: And I think what really struck me in reading the book is that there’s also a sort of temporal difference in your technique that doesn’t really change so, you know, it’s a much more fundamental part of your identity. as a business. And as you say, you