Marketing Strategy Jobs London

By | August 26, 2023

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The Ultimate Guide to Marketing Operations What is Marketing Operations? And what are the roles and responsibilities of the marketing operations team?

Marketing Strategy Jobs London

Marketing Strategy Jobs London

Digital marketing aims to reach customers online. But this simple goal has never been more complicated: there are more marketing channels and tools available than ever before, and each has its own rules and quirks.

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You need someone to put all the pieces together and make sure everything runs smoothly – from choosing the marketing software you use, to designing and implementing a marketing campaign, to getting data about its performance .

Marketing Operations (MOps) refers to all the processes that happen behind the scenes of marketing. People who work under the banner of marketing operations make sure that the right systems and technologies are in place to run marketing campaigns at scale.

If you think of a marketing campaign like a race car racing to the finish line, then think of marketing to the pit crew. The pit crew changes the tires, services the car, refuels – they make sure that all the equipment is working properly so that it doesn’t break down.

In our Marketing Operations team is responsible for so many things, from project management to process compliance to email operations. They are data advisors, process designers and technology experts who make scaling and growth possible.

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Marketing operations are the backbone of marketing. When done well, marketing teams deliver the right message to the right people at the right time, with attribution that effectively tracks return on investment (ROI).

Every company will organize their marketing department differently (ask some fellow marketers if you want a collection of ideas), so we break it down into the key responsibilities we’ve deemed most important in .

This area of ​​marketing operations focuses on infrastructure, campaign operations, lead management and data reliability. Essentially, they ensure that marketing has access to the tools and data they need to do their jobs best. They align your brand and the customer journey, using data to help you strategize and create a more effective omnichannel experience.

Marketing Strategy Jobs London

Example: Moving your webinar registration flow to a new tool like HubSpot so that marketers can see webinar attendee information and form submissions in one place.

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Result: the marketing operations team builds workflows based on webinar attendance and other data so that participants (the target audience) receive content that is tailored to their interests.

Marketing operations are so focused on email operations and customer relationship management (CRM) tools that they are sometimes referred to as opt-in email operations or CRM.

Example: Creating a distribution strategy for when and where to launch an email campaign so that it is sent at the exact time when customers are receptive.

Result: Your customers will be more responsive and more likely to engage with the email, as well as fulfill the intended purpose of the email (such as signups).

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MOps applies project management best practices to marketing and the organization as a whole. They distribute the tools, templates, processes, and guidelines that make projects successful. It is highly functional as project managers help other teams to improve efficiency.

Example: Creating a new project template that everyone on the marketing team fills out when starting a new project.

Result: Every team member in the marketing department completes their projects the same way, on time, within budget and scope.

Marketing Strategy Jobs London

Let’s take a look at Airbnb. When the room-sharing platform first launched in 2008, it had none of the marketing infrastructure it has today. So the founders even went door-to-door in New York, helping hosts take better photos of their listings.

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But as Airbnb’s popularity has grown, the brand has also ramped up its marketing efforts — and invested in market research — to build momentum. Today, the company has created very accurate user profiles for both of its markets (guests and hosts). In terms of their digital marketing strategy, this information allows them to make data-driven decisions.

For example, Airbnb now segments high-value guests and encourages them to list their property via email as soon as they stay somewhere, in hopes of converting a guest into a host. And they have a solid marketing infrastructure that supports referrals, retention, and lead acquisition.

Having a marketing operations team helps your company scale. It develops ways to be agile through the use of martech and automation, helping you save time, add value and dramatically improve your ROI.

I asked the marketing team what they love most about their jobs, and the answer was almost unanimous: connection.

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Marketing operations are about relationship. Connecting systems, connecting strategies with tools, connecting customers with the most relevant information.

Marketing operations teams are cross-functional, collaborating with people across the organization to define workflow solutions and processes that help them achieve a common goal and ensure tools and staff are aligned. Ridiculous Wording: Marketing Operations is the wind beneath the wings of the rest of the marketing organization.

This means that marketing teams can dramatically improve team morale: they make everyone’s job easier and everyone’s projects more successful. If you don’t have a marketing team, now is the time to start.

Marketing Strategy Jobs London

Elena Alston Elena Alston is a content specialist in London. She is a big supporter of automation and loves making it more accessible to people through storytelling. Where do you start if you want to develop a digital marketing strategy? This is still a common challenge as many businesses know how important digital and mobile channels are today to attract and retain customers. However, they lack an integrated plan to support digital transformation and business growth based on effectively engaging their audience online.

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The importance of digital channels in influencing purchases is highlighted by this study from Global Web Insight published in the Datareportal 2023 Global Digital Marketing Statistical Summary.

This research shows that if you are not competing by maintaining quality online content to gain visibility on search engines and social media, then you are missing out on opportunities to reach potential customers online.

Regardless of business type, if your business does not have a strategic digital marketing plan aligned with your business plan, you will suffer from the ten problems I highlight in this article and lose out to more digitally savvy competitors.

Let’s now look at the 10 reasons you can consider challenges or better yet opportunities. For each of the potential digital marketing challenges, I will recommend marketing solutions and next steps to help you improve your digital marketing planning process.

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It’s important to be able to make the business case for investing more in digital marketing, because if you can’t convince yourself or your colleagues to invest, then the future of your business is at risk. It’s simple, you won’t be able to compete to attract new customers in the future.

I find that companies without a digital strategy (and many that do) don’t have a clear strategic goal for what they want to achieve online in terms of winning new customers or building deeper relationships with existing ones.

It showed that almost half (45%) of companies still do not have a defined digital marketing strategy, but they are doing digital marketing!

Marketing Strategy Jobs London

You can see that around a fifth (17%) do define their digital strategy. This is a great first step in the process towards a fully integrated strategy. The place you want to get to is where all digital marketing activities are prioritized as part of your overall marketing investment

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And if you don’t have goals with SMART digital marketing goals, you probably won’t be putting enough resources into achieving the goals, and you’re not evaluating through analytics whether you’re achieving those goals.

Our templates can help you create more realistic digital media investment forecasts and improve conversion rates. Use the RACE Digital Marketing Dashboard to simplify your reporting for Google Analytics purposes for monthly reviews.

We often see that businesses of all sizes do not have enough resources dedicated to both planning and executing digital marketing. Specific specialized online marketing skills are likely to be lacking, making it difficult to effectively respond to competitive threats.

A good starting point for evaluating your digital marketing investments is assessing your digital maturity. To help our members, we have created a free download of maturity indicators like the one shown below.

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We’ve put these images together in one download so you can