Marketing Strategy Key Elements

By | September 10, 2023

Marketing Strategy Key Elements – The marketing mix is ​​a well-known marketing strategy tool, which, as you probably know, is traditionally limited to the main 4Ps of product, price, place and promotion. It is one of the top 3 popular marketing models according to Smart Insights survey.

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Marketing Strategy Key Elements

Marketing Strategy Key Elements

The 4Ps marketing mix is ​​designed when businesses are more likely to sell products than services. The 4 Ps represent an early focus in product marketing at a time when the role of customer service in helping brand development was not well understood.

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Later, Booms and Pitner added three extended “P-mixing services”: participants, physical evidence, and processes. Later “participants” changed to “people” – the marketing mix includes marketers, customer service representatives, recruiting, culture, training and compensation.

Today, it is recommended that the full 7 elements of the marketing mix be considered when evaluating competitive strategies—product, customer service, and more.

The 7Ps help companies evaluate and define the key issues that affect the marketing of their products and services. A popular marketing model, the marketing mix can also be called the 7Ps framework for the digital marketing mix.

In Dave Chaffee’s book: Digital Marketing: Strategy, Implementation and Practice, this model is updated and applied to online channels as a practical approach that works well for multi-channel businesses. The eighth P, “Partnerships,” is often recommended for businesses to get online (first mentioned in Digital mMarketing Excellence by Dave Chaffee and PR Smith, but some argue it’s part of a niche).

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Although sometimes considered dated, the 4Ps are an important strategic tool for choosing their range and we believe they are particularly useful for small businesses. For startups evaluating pricing and revenue models today, using a business model canvas for marketing strategy is a great option because it gives you a good structure to follow.

Companies can use the 7Ps model to set goals, conduct SWOT analysis, and conduct competitive analysis. It is a practical framework for evaluating an existing business and working with appropriate approaches in evaluating the elements of the marketing mix.

Take HubSpot, founded in 2006, as an example. Hubspot now boasts over 86,000 customers in over 120 countries. Including a Marketing Center, Sales Center, Service Center, CMS Center, and a powerful free CRM, HubSpot adds value to customers through all aspects of the 7Ps.

Marketing Strategy Key Elements

2. Pricing/Charges: Monthly subscription, software-as-a-service model based on the number of contacts in the database and the number of users of the service.

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4. Promotion: Directories are enhanced with SEO and effective SEO through events, webinars, helpful guides. PPC advertising on social media, e.g. LinkedIn.

8. Partners: Hubspot is looking to partner with local partners like Facebook and Google and Smart Insights working on research in Europe.

When I use the 7Ps as a model for conducting a marketing audit, I consider each Ps. It is not wise to ignore your environment unless it is completely out of your control.

We are now seeing more advanced marketing mix modeling techniques such as regression and forecasting, along with artificial intelligence and machine learning techniques.

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As the scope of marketing evolves, so does the marketing mix. As of 2007, Larry Londre’s 9Ps of Marketing include:

Bitner, M. J. and Booms, H. (1981). Marketing Strategies and Organization: A Framework for Service Organizations. In Donnelly, J.H. and George, WR (eds.). Marketing of services, meeting procedures. Chicago, IL American Marketing Association. Page 47-52

Dr Annmarie Hanlon is an academic and practitioner in strategic digital marketing and social media application for business. Dr. Hanlon has expertise in the strategic application of social media for business and the journey from digitization, to digitalization, and business to digital transformation. Her expertise includes consumer touchpoints, online customer service, the use of reviews, the role of influencers, online engagement and digital content. You can follow her updates on Twitter

Marketing Strategy Key Elements

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The AIDA Model The AIDA Model Explained: Real-World Examples and Tips for Planning This Strategic Marketing Model The AIDA Model, which follows the customer journey through awareness, interest, need, and action, is perhaps the best-known marketing model of all the marketing classics. . … A strong marketing strategy is a central feature of any great business and will not change in 2022. However, the methods and how to implement them will come at the whim of the media gods, but they are there. 5 key elements of marketing strategy to consider when building that marketing plan.

While we’ve previously covered what’s happening in online marketing in terms of new methods and the changes you need to make to optimize performance in the strategies you’re using now, you need to know how to pull it all together using proven marketing. concepts. time. Focus on the five points below to build a stronger strategy in the coming months.

Your business will not be successful if no one knows about its existence. With the majority of consumers still starting their shopping journey with an online search (88% in fact), it is vital to support your site with SEO (search engine optimization) and other online marketing strategies. This will not only bring more visitors to your site, but also actively increase traffic to your online store, especially if you have a good landing page. By creating great content, you gain visibility as users engage with your content on social media and other websites related to your content. These steps will further support your SEO.

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Local SEO is also something to consider. In fact, 78% of local searches result in local sales. When users search on a mobile device, the default is to show local businesses first in the results, so you’ll benefit greatly from using local SEO. The Local application starts with a Google Business Profile to verify your physical location and add information about your business.

Remember, it takes seven touch points to make the average sale. That’s why PPC (basically Google ads), content marketing, and social media campaigns (both organic and advertising) should play a significant role in your marketing plan. Building an integrated strategy across these multiple touch points is the only way to achieve the necessary touch points to achieve conversion.

Keeping your business in the customer’s mind is a key part of a marketing strategy that requires careful planning and effective implementation.

Marketing Strategy Key Elements

Consumers who doubt the quality or reliability of their products will not buy from a company. Safety and security are important issues, especially with the increased online activities of cybercriminals to steal your personal information.

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Therefore, consumers almost always try to verify the legitimacy and quality of a company. Customer reviews and other forms of social proof prove that you have a good product that others trust. Trust in brands drives customer loyalty between 22% and 44%. Trust also drives purchase intentions.

For starters, consumers need to know that your company is serious and genuinely concerned about customer satisfaction and safety. Lacking the reviews and other social proof of established companies, startups can rely on the professionalism and transparency of their marketing efforts to build trust with their target market.

Your brand image is the repository of all your brand beliefs and attitudes, including trust. Building a positive brand image starts with choosing a brand name. Learn how to sign up for one today and start building the rest of your brand image with marketing, including product performance, pricing and promotional messaging.

With so many companies out there, you can no longer fall into the trap of being generic or empty. As such, you should strive for a bold approach to all aspects of branding and marketing, including developing a brand personality that fits your business and your target market. Below, you can see a representation of brand personalities (called brand archetypes) along with brand names that embody that personality.

Key Elements Of Market Research

Perhaps most importantly, the company needs to feel authentic and relevant to consumers, which means developing a consistent voice across communication channels.

Part of your brand comes from your promotional message, including unspoken elements such as product quality, packaging and price. For example, consider Godiva’s personality as a special gift based on its high price, gold packaging, and select availability.