Marketing Strategy King’s College

By | January 9, 2024

Marketing Strategy King’s College – King’s College London wanted to use its research to raise public awareness of the health effects of air pollution as part of its mission to serve society both in London and globally.

A year-long campaign was therefore planned around specific research projects, journal publications and key dates, and in collaboration with businesses, government agencies and charities.

Marketing Strategy King’s College

Marketing Strategy King's College

To launch the project in March 2019, the university focused on research being carried out in schools, working with the Mayor of London to organize a press launch at one of the schools involved to hold teachers, parents and children accountable. press campaign.

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It worked with technology company Dyson, which provided technology specific to the investigation, on video production and with the Channel 4 Dispatches team.

That same month, the communications group held a Center for Science Media briefing to highlight studies examining links between adolescent psychosis and high levels of air pollution. He also collaborated with the British Council on an app that shows the exposure of outdoor workers to pollution.

The following month, King published research into the number of Londoners being hospitalized due to harmful air pollution and gave an expert review of London’s new ultra-low emission zone.

In September, he focused on studying the effects of London taxi drivers, while in October he focused on studying the number of hospital admissions in UK cities on days with high air pollution.

King’s College School

To do this, it partnered with UK100, a network of local government leaders committed to a 100% clean energy transition, and ran an ad timed ahead of the Mayor’s Conference on Air Pollution.

In the same month King’s released its final report on children’s exposure to high levels of air pollution in schools, the chief scientist appeared on New Scientist Live.

Finally, he collaborated again with UK100 and presented two more research stories on the health effects of air pollution in collaboration with 15 health and environmental NGOs, and with the Times on the London Underground. made an exclusive in another story about the impact of passengers on air pollution. .

Marketing Strategy King's College

The campaign garnered 3,884 media articles, including two front-page articles. Also, around 7,250 blog and social media posts and 175 NHS doctors and staff cited King’s research in an open letter calling on the government to commit new funding and resources to the air pollution problem.

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At the university, staff and students were inspired to think about their own exposure to air pollution and change their commutes to reduce it.

Reliable and verifiable sources of information are especially important in an era when other types of information are abundant.

Oxford wanted to inspire debate on climate science, positioning its academics as trusted experts for government and industry to consult and a source of information for the public.

First, team members conducted research, including surveys, to determine how well the public understood climate change and its effects. They also identified areas of expertise that Oxford had to offer.

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The campaign brought together more than 100 experts from 80 university departments, including those working in the social sciences, humanities and medicine, to debate not only the science behind climate change, but also its policy and social impacts.

Four climate events in 2019 were targeted: the G7 meeting in August, which had a strong climate focus; the global climate action summit in September; The United Nations General Assembly, also in September, and the annual UN climate conference, COP25, in December.

For each event, the team produced expert briefings, fueled national policy debates, created stakeholder materials, posted on social media, and developed partnerships with social media influencers that opened up new audiences.

Marketing Strategy King's College

The campaign also launched a website and a series of podcasts offering the latest climate research, with key figures involved in climate change being interviewed. It has recorded over 100,000 listens.

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For the G7 meeting, Oxford experts took part in a climate strategy debate at Westminster and the university produced a case study guide showcasing the latest environmental research, which was distributed to 800 people, including 15 MPs.

Academics at all levels have been able to raise their profile and many have established long-term relationships with individual politicians. The Oxford academic was the key policy expert on Channel 4 chiefs’ climate debate.

Oxford research has been cited in UK Prime Minister’s Questions and the UN General Assembly. It is also included in the Environmental Law.

Social media posts reached more than 15 million people, and the research center was visited more than 50,000 times.

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More than 100 subtle colors, ranging from dark blue to dark red, have become symbols of global warming.

The warming line graph, which shows changes in annual average temperatures around the world, was a concept developed by Ed Hawkins, professor of climate science at the University of Reading.

He spread it widely among his Twitter followers, scientists, politicians and the general public, inspiring designs for shirts, scarves and even a custom Tesla. Dozens of television weather anchors across the United States are celebrating the June 2018 summer solstice with weather line-themed badges, ties and necklaces.

Marketing Strategy King's College

Building on this move, Reading’s communications team wanted to highlight the scientific work behind the simple image and build on their institution’s reputation as a leading center for weather and climate research.

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Hawkins gathered data with scientific colleagues at the Weather Department and the National Center for Atmospheric Sciences to create a bank of new, localized warming zone images that show how climate change is warming every corner, country and region of Earth.

Together with the university’s Institute for Environmental Analysis, he created the website, a website that allows people to see images of heat stripes applied to the area where they live.

In June 2019, the university used a week-long ‘Made at Reading’ campaign, building on the national ‘Made at University’ campaign run by UK universities, to highlight its environmental research expertise and commitment to sustainability.

Within a week, the stripes were downloaded more than a million times, while asking people who shared the graphics to use #ShowYourStripes generated widespread visibility on social media.

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The streaks have appeared on the BBC, ITV, NBC and the Weather Channel and have been featured in Extinction Rebellion, the World Meteorological Organization, the World Wide Fund for Nature’s Climate and Energy Initiative and the United Nations It was shared on social media by the Climate Change Convention. .

Rock band Enter Shikari used them on three giant screens as a backdrop for their set at the Reading Festival, while US senators and representatives wore stripes to Trump during the president’s State of the Union address in February 2020.

Newspapers around the world ran the strips and inspired a light show in Berlin and school climate banners from Holland to Malaysia. As we move toward 2023, increased data enrichment has allowed more companies to focus on customer acquisition, engagement, and retention. The process involves constant experimentation, as well as careful attention to the changing preferences and motivations of your customers. So, if you are looking to expand your business or are experiencing significant growth and need to change your marketing techniques to improve your ROI, consider implementing some effective growth marketing ideas. think about it.

Marketing Strategy King's College

In this blog, we’ll take a closer look at what growth marketing is and some common opportunities to optimize user experience. So, if you want to know more about a good growth marketing strategy, read on.

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Growth marketing is a strategy to attract, engage and retain customers using data from marketing campaigns. This process helps you optimize and plan for continuous improvement of your marketing strategies based on the changing needs and preferences of your customers.

You can accelerate your organization’s growth by creating and delivering highly customized and personalized content that matches your customers’ needs. This is especially true across multiple channels, especially the ones your customers value most.

The AARRR framework is one of the most popular frameworks for growth marketing. It is commonly known as a pirate funnel. This framework breaks down your growth strategies into five stages and assigns metrics to map each stage.

This framework will help you find business challenges and guide you in the right direction to grow your business. For example, consider that your customers will not return to your business after making a purchase. what would you do next Here you should focus on building customer loyalty. Your website may not have enough products or services, or your products or services may not be valuable enough for your target audience. So, in order to retain customers, you must first answer these questions and then work on a solution to serve your target audience.

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1. A/B testing helps you understand that a particular user responds to push message offers first, 60% higher than email marketing offers.

3. According to Google Trends, search interest in “growth marketing” has increased over 100% in the last 5 years.

4. A customer is five times more likely to buy again, driving companies to invest in customer experience.

Marketing Strategy King's College

A/B testing or multivariate testing is one of the key growth marketing strategies.

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