Marketing Strategy Limited

By | April 16, 2023

Marketing Strategy Limited – Where do you start if you want to develop a digital marketing strategy? This is still a common task as many companies know how important digital and mobile channels are to attracting and retaining customers today. However, they lack a comprehensive plan to support digital transformation and business growth based on effective online audience engagement.

The importance of digital channels in influencing purchases is highlighted in this Global Web Insight study published in the Global Digital Marketing Datareport 2023.

Marketing Strategy Limited

Marketing Strategy Limited

This research shows that if you’re not competing by maintaining high-quality online content to gain visibility in search engines and social media, you’re missing out on reaching potential customers online.

What Is A Marketing Plan? Types And How To Write One

Regardless of your business type, if your company doesn’t have a strategic digital marketing plan that aligns with your business plan, you’ll suffer from the ten issues I highlight in this article and lose out to more digitally savvy competitors.

Now let’s look at 10 reasons that you can see as problems, or rather opportunities. For each of the potential digital marketing challenges, I will also recommend marketing solutions and next steps to help you improve your digital marketing planning process.

It’s important to be able to justify your investment in digital marketing, because if you can’t convince yourself or your colleagues to invest, the future of your company will be at risk. It’s simple, you won’t be able to compete for new customers in the future.

I believe that companies without a digital strategy (and many do) do not have a clear strategic goal for what they want to achieve online in terms of attracting new customers or building deeper relationships with existing customers.

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Revealed that almost half (45%) of companies do not yet have a defined digital marketing strategy, but are engaged in digital marketing!

You can see that about a fifth (17%) define their digital strategy. This is a great first step in creating a fully integrated strategy. Where you want to go is where all digital marketing activities are prioritized as part of your overall marketing investment

And if you don’t have SMART digital marketing goals, you’re probably not allocating enough resources to achieve those goals and not measuring with analytics whether you’re meeting those goals.

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Our templates can help you make more realistic digital media investment forecasts and improve conversion rates. Use our RACE digital marketing dashboard to simplify reporting on Google Analytics goals for monthly evaluation.

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We often see that businesses of all sizes lack the resources to both plan and execute digital marketing. There will likely be a shortage of specialized internet marketing skills, making it difficult to respond effectively to competitive threats.

A good starting point for advocating for more digital marketing investment is to assess your digital maturity. To help our members, we have created a free maturity test download as shown below.

We’ve compiled these visuals into one download so you can easily browse and print the ones that work best for you. We designed them so that members can use them for different business sizes and roles. There are over 10 templates that cover:

I developed this sample to evaluate the effectiveness of digital marketing with senior executives of small, medium and large companies. I recommend that you assess your current maturity on each of the pillars of effective digital marketing, then set goals that you need to improve on over the next 12 or 18 months and create a plan to achieve them. We believe that many companies are often at level 1 or 2 and should aim to reach at least level 3 if they have a planned approach and can compete.

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Other templates in the download are more detailed and look at specific digital marketing activities using our RACE framework.

Rate your business on this simple five-point scale to identify techniques you can use to improve digital marketing overall and across key channels and methods, including SEO, social media, email marketing and conversion rate optimization.

As a premium member of Smart Insights, you have access to strategy and planning tools, including performance and digital maturity benchmarking, as well as regular marketing intelligence reports, so you can track your position in the competitive environment.

Marketing Strategy Limited

If you’re not devoting enough resources to digital, or taking a idiosyncratic approach without clearly defined strategies, your competitors will eat your digital lunch as they’ll be more focused on ongoing marketing!

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Ongoing marketing refers to the investment in paid, owned, and earned media needed throughout the customer lifecycle, as shown in this graphic from the eighth edition of my book, Digital Marketing: Strategy, Implementation, and Practice. Investment is needed to maintain visibility and continue to support conversion and retention as people search for and choose products online.

Many brands don’t find the right balance between investing in all these activities and campaigns, so ignore AOM.

Our RACE planning framework outlines how to create a plan that includes both ongoing and campaign communications. You can learn more in our free download.

Free Digital Marketing Plan Template. Our popular marketing planning template is structured around the Smart Insights RACE Framework. Join Smart Insights as a free member and download our digital marketing plan template today. Access a free digital marketing plan template

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Customer demand for online services can be underestimated if you haven’t researched it. More importantly, you may not understand your online market. The dynamics will differ from traditional channels with different types of customer profiles and behaviors, competitors, offers and marketing communications options.

Our templates include a customer persona guide and template to help you develop more detailed, actionable personas that reflect messaging and content requirements throughout the customer journey. After completing this persona analysis, you can create a content strategy to help customers choose products and implement a strategy to improve engagement through search, social media, and email marketing. This is why a retention strategy is one of the pillars of your digital marketing.

As part of scoping out your strategic digital marketing approach, it’s helpful to think about how the digital experience can enhance your brand appeal. This includes improving online services, interactive tools and engagement with digital audiences to improve customer service.

Marketing Strategy Limited

A well-defined digital value proposition tailored to the personas of your diverse audiences will help you differentiate your online service and encourage existing and new customers to engage initially and remain loyal.

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It is often said that digital is “the most measurable medium”. But Google Analytics and the like only tell you about the number of visits, not how visitors feel, what they think. You should use other forms of research and feedback tools with website users to identify your weaknesses and address them.

Too often, digital operations work in silos, whether it’s a dedicated digital marketer, IT or a stand-alone digital agency. This makes it easy to pack the “digital” into a handy piece. But it is certainly less effective. Everyone agrees that digital media works best when integrated with traditional media and response channels.

That’s why we recommend developing an integrated digital marketing strategy to make your digital marketing work for you! With your integrated plan, digital becomes part of your marketing activities and daily business.

Even if you have enough resources, they can be wasted. This is especially true for larger companies where you see different parts of the marketing organization purchasing different tools or using different agencies to accomplish similar online marketing tasks.

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That’s why you need to invest in a marketing strategy that works for you and your team to plan, manage and optimize your digital channels and platforms. Get the marketing results you need to achieve your business goals and improve your marketing ROI.

If you look at leading online brands such as Amazon,, Dell, Google and Zappos, they are all dynamic and trying new approaches to gain or retain their online audience.

Our RACE 90 Day Growth System approach helps you create a similar process to improve your results.

Marketing Strategy Limited

To manage ongoing marketing activities, we recommend a 90-day planning (template) approach to prioritize your activities using the RACE growth process, which identifies 25 key digital activities that you need to continuously improve, prioritizing the most important.

Create A Successful Marketing Strategy For Your Startup

Every company with a website has analytics. But many senior managers don’t monitor what their teams are doing or have time to evaluate and take action. Once your digital channel strategy gets the basics right, you can move on to continually improving key aspects like branding, on-site user engagement and lead nurturing.

So the good news is that there are good reasons to create a winning digital strategy and transform your marketing that you can use to win over your colleagues and customers.

If you want to integrate your marketing strategy, a membership to Smart Insights