Marketing Strategy Meaning In Urdu

By | October 29, 2023

Marketing Strategy Meaning In Urdu – Institution is a word or phrase often used in Pakistan. In fact, we have been hearing this word for the past few years. The reason is that the “establishment” is considered a major player in Pakistani politics. In recent months, especially the former Prime Minister Shri. Imran Khan, again there is a lot of fuss about the word “establishment”. So let’s check the meaning of institution in Urdu.

“Institution” is a commonly used word or term in Pakistan. In fact, we have been hearing this word for years. Because the “establishment” is considered a major player in Pakistani politics. In recent months, especially with the no-confidence motion against former Prime Minister Imran Khan, the term “establishment” has become a buzzword again.

Marketing Strategy Meaning In Urdu

Marketing Strategy Meaning In Urdu

If you have googled the meaning of institution in Urdu, you must have found various meanings which may double your confusion. So to get a clear understanding of this term, let’s check the meaning below in simple words:

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If you have googled the meaning of “establishment” in Urdu, you must have got different meanings, which will double your confusion. So to understand this term clearly, let’s look at the following meaning in simple words:

The term “organization” refers to a cooperative federation of armed forces, intelligence agencies and other military and civilian personnel.

“Organization” refers to the “organization” which includes the Armed Forces, the Intelligence Service and other military and civilian authorities. The term negotiation refers to strategic discussion aimed at resolving a problem in a way that both parties find acceptable. Negotiations involve give and take, meaning that one or both parties usually have to make some concessions.

Negotiations can be between buyers and sellers, employers and prospective employees, two or more governments, and other parties. Here’s how negotiations work and advice for successful negotiations.

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Negotiations involve two or more parties coming together to achieve some ultimate goal that is acceptable to all involved. One party will put forward their point of view and the other will either accept the proposed terms or oppose their own point of view. The process continues until both parties agree to a resolution or the negotiations end without one.

Experienced negotiators often try to learn as much as possible about the other side’s position before starting a negotiation, including what the strengths and weaknesses of that position are, how they prepare to defend their position, and counterarguments the other side makes. That.

The time taken to close the negotiations depends on the circumstances. Negotiations take only a few minutes, or, in more complex cases, longer. For example, a buyer and seller can negotiate the sale of a car by minutes or hours. But it can take months or years for the governments of two or more countries to negotiate the terms of a major trade agreement.

Marketing Strategy Meaning In Urdu

Some negotiations require the use of a professional attorney, a broker or an experienced negotiator such as a broker or an attorney.

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Negotiations can be conducted between individuals, companies, governments, and any other situation where two parties have a competing interest. Here are two daily examples:

Say you’re planning to buy a new SUV, but don’t want to pay full manufacturer’s suggested retail price (MSRP). If so, you can pay what you consider to be a reasonable price. The dealer may accept your offer or counter at a different price. If you have good negotiating skills, you can lower the price to a level you’re happy with, and the dealer can still walk away with a profit, albeit a bad one.

Or suppose you’re offered a new job, but don’t consider the salary enough. An employer’s initial compensation offer is often not the best possible offer, so there may be some room for negotiation. In fact, a 2016 survey by website CareerBuilder found that 73% of employers are willing to negotiate a starting salary with job seekers. If higher wages are not possible, the employer may offer something extra, such as more vacation time or better benefits.

In both of these examples – as in most successful negotiations – both sides made compromises while achieving their main goals.

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A 2022 study by Fidelity Investments found that while 58% of workers accepted their employer’s first offer, 85% of those who tried to negotiate got at least some of what they asked for.

Preparation can also include finding out as much as possible about the other party and their perspective. In the case of the SUV discussion above, you can find out how much room the dealer has to offer by looking up the actual selling prices of that vehicle online.

Also, marshal all the facts that will help you make a convincing case. For example, if you’re negotiating for a new job or a raise, come up with concrete examples of your accomplishments, including hard numbers if possible. Consider bringing in testimonials from satisfied clients and/or colleagues that will support your case.

Marketing Strategy Meaning In Urdu

Once you are ready to negotiate, you are ready to sit down with the other party. If they are smart, they are ready. It is at this point that both sides present their initial positions based on what they want and are willing to give in return.

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Being able to clearly express your wishes is critical to the negotiation process. You may not get everything on your wish list, but the other party, if they want to reach a deal, will have a better idea of ​​what it will take to make it happen. You will have a better idea of ​​their position and where they are willing to bend.

An important key at this stage is to listen to the other party and refrain from dismissing or arguing. Successful negotiations involve some give and take on both sides, and an adversarial relationship can be less productive than a collegial one.

Also remember that a negotiation takes time, so don’t try to rush the process or rush yourself.

Once both parties are satisfied with the results, it is time to close the negotiations. The next step can be in the form of an oral agreement or a written agreement. The latter is usually a better idea because it clearly sets out each party’s position and can be enforced if one party doesn’t live up to their end of the bargain.

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Some people may be born negotiators, but most of us are not. Here are some tips that can help.

Some of the key skills of a good negotiator are the ability to listen, think under pressure, express their point of view clearly, and compromise logically.

ZOPA is an acronym from the business world. This indicates the area of ​​possible agreement. ZOPA is a way to visualize where the positions of parties in a negotiation overlap. It is within that zone that compromises are possible.

Marketing Strategy Meaning In Urdu

BATNA is another acronym from the business world that means Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement. It indicates the next step a negotiator can take if a negotiation fails to reach a satisfactory conclusion. Veteran negotiators often go into a negotiation to find out what their potential BATNA will be.

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Negotiation is an important part of everyday life, business world and international affairs. Regardless of what you negotiate, being a successful negotiator means knowing what you want, trying to understand the other party’s (or parties’) position, and compromising if necessary. A successful negotiation leaves everyone satisfied that they got a deal they can live with.

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