Marketing Strategy Menurut Para Ahli

By | June 30, 2023

Marketing Strategy Menurut Para Ahli – When selling products in the market, many strategies are implemented by the company. One of the marketing strategies implemented is the marketing mix. Marketing mix is ​​a strategy to capture as many customers as possible and maintain product availability in the market.

Marketing mix is ​​considered as a solution to make effective sales to customers. Marketing mix is ​​also a complex strategy because it involves different parties and requires the best effort of these parties. What is the right marketing mix strategy to implement? What are the elements of the marketing mix? Let’s find out the answer by studying the contents of this chapter!

Marketing Strategy Menurut Para Ahli

Marketing Strategy Menurut Para Ahli

Or the marketing mix is ​​a marketing strategy that focuses on how to sell products as effectively as possible based on data obtained and collected, through a computerized process or data collected on a subscription basis, to make the sales process easy . In addition to this concept, according to experts, there are several definitions of marketing mix, namely the following.

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Kotler defines the marketing mix as a set of marketing strategies that the company uses to achieve its marketing objectives in the target market (

As a term that describes all marketing elements and production factors used to achieve business objectives, such as profit, return on invested capital, sales turnover and a share of the market to be captured.

Or the marketing mix as a tool for producers to influence consumers. In this way, customers can get to know the product, then like and buy the products offered by the company.

According to Fajar Laksana, a product is anything, both physical and non-physical, that can be offered to consumers to satisfy their wants and needs. Meanwhile, according to Philip Kotler, a product is something that can be offered to the market to attract attention, be bought, used or consumed to satisfy a want or need.

Pengertian Marketing Menurut Para Ahli (pembahasan Lengkap)

Intangible goods are often referred to as services. Services are said to be intangible products because physically, the services cannot be seen or touched, and consumers can only feel the benefits of using the services. Services can be interpreted as any service in the form of work or performance exchanged, offered by companies used by customers. Services can be delivered in a variety of ways, such as personal, spatial and organizational. The service classification includes business services, communication services, distribution services, construction and engineering services, educational services, financial services, health and social services, environmental services, tourism and travel services, recreation, cultural and sports services, as well as transport. services.. For example, a doctor sells products in the form of health services, a hotel sells accommodation services, or a notary sells notarial services.

Services have four main characteristics that greatly influence the design of marketing programs, namely inconsistency, isolation, variability, and easily lost. Here is an explanation.

Services have a non-tangible nature because services cannot be felt by the five senses, but consumers can sense the benefits of these services. If a person buys, uses, rents or rents a service, he only uses the service. That is, customers do not necessarily have ownership rights to these services.

Marketing Strategy Menurut Para Ahli

Due to its non-surprising nature, the public cannot judge the quality of a service until they have directly experienced the benefits of the service. Services that are traded or rented are usually supported by physical products. For example, we don’t know if a bowl of meat is good until we eat it. Thus, in order to obtain educational services, customers must have supporting products, such as textbooks and textbooks. Other examples are hotels in the business of lodging services, telephones in the business of telephone services, and airlines in the business of air transportation.

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A form of service cannot be separated from its source. Resources of services can be people, machines and tangible physical products. Customers and service providers may influence the results of related services. The relationship between service providers and customers is a special feature of service marketing. For example, if a patient comes to him for treatment, the doctor will provide medical services.

The quality of service is highly variable due to its nature which depends on many things, from the provider and the service professional, to the time and place where the service is provided. Service customers are very concerned about this, so often potential customers ask other people before deciding to buy a service product. In order to sell the offered services well in the market, the service providers will usually implement strategies such as standardization of service performance processes, so that the service quality is maintained. Therefore, the products offered by the service are still in demand by the public. For example in a beauty salon service business, there must be certain standards for an activity, e.g

If the number of requests is stable, the continuity of a service will not be a problem. However, services are perishable goods and cannot be stored. If the amount requested decreases over time, the service will be lost because it cannot be saved for later use. For example, in a salon service business, if the number of guests is small, the owner will have difficulty covering operating costs, such as electricity and staff salaries.

Tangible goods are commonly known as commodities. Goods are called tangible products because they can be physically felt directly through the five senses, namely seeing, touching, hearing, smelling and feeling. Examples are vegetables, household furniture, motor vehicles, stationery and electronic goods. In this case, things are divided into several types, namely below.

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Consumer goods are those goods bought by a person with the intention of using them alone or with their family members. Everyone needs consumer products to meet their daily needs. Consequently, the purchase of consumer goods involves more emotional motives than rational elements in consumers. Examples of consumer goods are food, beverages, clothing, household goods, stationery, including vehicles, jewellery, etc.

Industrial products are goods that are not intended to be used or consumed themselves, but are purchased for further processing for industrial benefits. In general, the purpose of purchasing industrial goods is not emotional, but based on cost or profit and loss. Examples of industrial products are raw materials, auxiliary materials, production equipment, factory machinery, employee uniforms and office management equipment.

Complementary items, or complementary items, are items or items that can only benefit when used together with other items. For example: coffee is made from sugar, tennis rackets are made from tennis balls, pens are made from ink, and engines are made from petrol.

Marketing Strategy Menurut Para Ahli

Substitutable goods are also known as substitute goods, i.e. goods or goods whose function can be replaced by other goods or goods that have the same benefit. For example: beef can be replaced with chicken, rice with bread or noodles, natural rubber with synthetic rubber, or shoes with chilli sauce.

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Price is the amount of money required to obtain a product or service or a combination of the two. In other words, price is the amount of substitute value in exchange for goods and services. Prices are expressed in currency units. The determination of the high or low value of a product is not only influenced by the physical factors of the product in question, but also psychological factors and other factors that are influenced by the consumer himself. For consumers, the price of a product is measured by the perceived satisfaction value of the product they are buying. A customer is willing to buy a product at a higher price if the expected satisfaction value for the product is high. Conversely, if the value of satisfaction with a product is low, consumers will certainly not be willing to pay or buy a product at a high price.

According to Zaithaml and Bitner, the definition of price to value by the consumer can be grouped into four things, namely below.

1) Value is a low price (value is a low price). In this case, the customer has a perception that low price is the most important value, while quality is a value of little importance.

2) Value is what I want in the product/service Customers in this group think that value is not only defined as a benefit or quality they can get, but also something that can satisfy their needs.

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3) Value is the quality I get for the price I pay (value is the quality I get for the price I pay). Consumers in this group claim that value is a benefit or quality provided relative to the price.

(value is what I get for what I pay). In this group, consumers think that the value of a product can be measured by the amount of sacrifice they make. These sacrifices can be in the form of large amounts of money, effort and time to achieve a product.

Or marketing mix that generates revenue. Determining the selling price of the right product is one of the important aspects of this activity. In general, it aims to determine the selling price of a product in the marketing mix.

Marketing Strategy Menurut Para Ahli

The prices of the products are set as cheaply as possible with the aim that the products offered sell well in the market, provided that these low prices are still profitable for the company. In this way, the products offered can last long in the market and maintain the profit earned by the company.

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Most companies set prices at levels that can then generate maximum profit. Companies set a price level in the hope of increasing sales, so profits increase. In this case, the company gives more importance to short-term profits.

Every company tries hard to get the biggest market share by lowering the selling price as much as possible. Companies that have a dominant market share will benefit from lower costs and long-term profits. Setting a low price is expected to increase the number of customers. In addition, it is also expected that customers will switch from competitors to the offered products.

The selling price of a product may give the impression that the product is of high quality or better than the quality of competing products. In general, prices are set as low as possible because there is still a perception that a quality product is a product that costs a high price or is expensive.

The price of the product can also be

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