Category Archives: Uncategorized

Benefits of Working with an Experienced Business Broker

By | April 15, 2023

Benefits of Working with an Experienced Business Broker   Selling a business is not an easy task, especially for those who are not familiar with the process. This is where an experienced business broker can help. A business broker can act as an intermediary between a seller and a buyer, helping to facilitate the sale…

Pointing Factors to Replace Your Asphalt Parking Lot

By | April 10, 2023

Due to durability and affordability, asphalt parking lots remain the top choice for many Jacksonville property owners and commercial entrepreneurs. However, nothing is eternal, and this pavement type will also wear out and need replacement over time. But how do you define it is the time to refresh your parking lot surface? And what are efficient solutions to… Read More »

CRA & IRS Administrative Issues Cross-Border Tax Filers Should Be Aware of

By | April 10, 2023

Given the challenges of the current U.S. administration, President Biden has been unable to effectively achieve the U.S. income, gift, and estate tax changes that he was hoping to impose. With the likely outcome of the U.S. mid-term elections this November, there is little reason to expect any significant tax changes this year for Americans in Canada or… Read More »